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/ Learning English

Medical English. At a Doctor


Doctor:    — What seems to be the problem?
Daniel Adams:    — I have a high fever and a splitting headache. I lost my appetite, too.
Doctor:    — Did you take your temperature?
Daniel Adams:    — Yes, it´s 39°C. I took three aspirins, but they didn´t work.
Doctor:    — Let me examine you. Open your mouth. ... All right. Cough, please.
Daniel Adams:    — (sound of a cough)
Doctor:    — You have the flu. You need to stay in bed for three days. I´ll write out a prescription for you. ... There you go. Take this to the drugstore.

Role-Play Exercise

Doctor:    — What seems to be the problem?
You:    — ...
Doctor:    — Did you take your temperature?
You:    — ...
Doctor:    — Let me examine you. Open your mouth. ... All right. Cough, please.
You:    — ...
Doctor:    — You have the flu. You need to stay in bed for three days. I´ll write out a prescription for you. ... There you go. Take this to the drugstore.


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