A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


(psychoanalysis) primitive instincts and energies underlying all psychic activityplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents

Hypernyms ("id" is a kind of...):

inherent aptitude; instinct (inborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific stimuli)

Domain category:

analysis; depth psychology; psychoanalysis (a set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders; based on the theories of Sigmund Freud)

Holonyms ("id" is a part of...):

unconscious; unconscious mind (that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware)

Sense 2


A card or badge used to identify the bearerplay


you had to show your ID in order to get in


I.D.; ID

Classified under:

Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents

Hypernyms ("ID" is a kind of...):

badge (an emblem (a small piece of plastic or cloth or metal) that signifies your status (rank or membership or affiliation etc.))

positive identification (evidence proving that you are who you say you are; evidence establishing that you are among the group of people already known to the system; recognition by the system leads to acceptance)

Sense 3


A state in the Rocky Mountainsplay


Gem State; ID; Id.; Idaho

Classified under:

Nouns denoting spatial position

Instance hypernyms:

American state (one of the 50 states of the United States)

Meronyms (parts of "ID"):

Snake; Snake River (a tributary of the Columbia River that rises in Wyoming and flows westward; discovered in 1805 by the Lewis and Clark Expedition)

Salmon; Salmon River (a tributary of the Snake River in Idaho)

Coeur d'Alene Lake (a lake in northern Idaho)

Twin Falls (a town on the Snake River in south central Idaho near the Twin Falls)

Sun Valley (a winter sports resort in south central Idaho)

Pocatello (a university town in southeastern Idaho)

Nampa (a town in southwestern Idaho)

Lewiston (a town in northwestern Idaho)

Idaho Falls (a town in southeastern Idaho on the Snake River)

Coeur d'Alene (a town in the northern panhandle of Idaho; popular resort area)

Boise; capital of Idaho (the capital and largest city of Idaho)

Yellowstone National Park (the first national park in the United States; located in the border area between Wyoming and Montana and Idaho; spectacular wilderness; famous for Old Faithful geyser and for buffalo and bears)

Holonyms ("ID" is a part of...):

America; the States; U.S.; U.S.A.; United States; United States of America; US; USA (North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776)


 Context examples: 

NOTE(S): A particular document can have one or more ID.

(Document Identifier with Attribute Identifier, NCI Thesaurus/BRIDG)

In their study, groups of animals received the BGC vaccine by ID, AE or IV routes.

(Changed route of immunization dramatically improves efficacy of TB vaccine, National Institutes of Health)

If you have Addison disease, you should carry an emergency ID. It should say that you have the disease, list your medicines and say how much you need in an emergency.

(Addison Disease, NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases)

DNA-binding protein inhibitor ID-1 (155 aa, ~16 kDa) is encoded by the human ID1 gene.

(DNA-Binding Protein Inhibitor ID-1, NCI Thesaurus)

DNA-binding protein inhibitor ID-2 (134 aa, ~15 kDa) is encoded by the human ID2 gene.

(DNA-Binding Protein Inhibitor ID-2, NCI Thesaurus)

NOTE(S): Account for hierarchy in sites and relation to Study ID (tracker issue 23154).

(Planned Study Site, NCI Thesaurus/BRIDG)

Disease objects specify a disease name and ID; disease objects also provide access to: ontological relations to other diseases; clinical trial protocols treating the disease; and specific histologies associated with instances of the disease.

(Disease Object, NCI Thesaurus)

Every LSID consists of up to five parts: the Network Identifier (NID); the root DNS name of the issuing authority; the namespace chosen by the issuing authority; the object id unique in that namespace; and an optional revision id for storing versioning information.

(Life Sciences Identifier, NCI Thesaurus)

There is one sentence in it, however—namely: 'I protest strongly against the insufferable and entirely dogmatic assertion that each separate id is a microcosm possessed of an historical architecture elaborated slowly through the series of generations.'

(The Lost World, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

However, the standard, ID, route of BCG administration may not generate enough of these critical cells in the lungs.

(Changed route of immunization dramatically improves efficacy of TB vaccine, National Institutes of Health)


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