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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A drug that lowers the body's normal immune responseplay


immune suppressant drug; immunosuppressant; immunosuppressive; immunosuppressive drug; immunosuppressor

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects

Hypernyms ("immunosuppressant" is a kind of...):

medicament; medication; medicinal drug; medicine ((medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "immunosuppressant"):

mercaptopurine; Purinethol (a drug (trade name Purinethol) that interferes with the metabolism of purine and is used to treat acute lymphocytic leukemia)

amethopterin; methotrexate; methotrexate sodium (toxic antimetabolite that limits cellular reproduction by acting as an antagonist to folic acid; used to treat certain cancers and psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis)


 Context examples: 

Stem cell recipients typically need to take immunosuppressants for months to a few years.

(Stem cell transplant reverses sickle cell disease in adults, NIH)

It is a type of immunosuppressant and a type of antiangiogenesis agent.

(Everolimus, NCI Dictionary)

A recombinant, chimeric, human-murine monoclonal antibody directed against the alpha subunit of the interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R alpha) with immunosuppressant activity.

(Basiliximab, NCI Thesaurus)

It is a type of immunosuppressant.

(Azathioprine sodium, NCI Dictionary)

It is a type of fusion protein and a type of immunosuppressant.

(Alefacept, NCI Dictionary)

It is a type of kinase inhibitor, a type of angiogenesis inhibitor, and a type of immunosuppressant.

(Afinitor, NCI Dictionary)

A derivative of the natural macrocyclic lactone sirolimus with immunosuppressant and anti-angiogenic properties.

(Everolimus, NCI Thesaurus)

This agent, at low doses, is also a potent immunosuppressant primarily by depleting T-regulatory cells.

(Cyclophosphamide Anhydrous, NCI Thesaurus)

An topical ophthalmic formulation containing cyclosporine, an undecapeptide produced by the fungus Beauveria nivea, with immunosuppressant and anti-inflammatory activities.

(Cyclosporine Ophthalmic Emulsion, NCI Thesaurus)

A humanized IgG1 monoclonal antibody directed against CD11a, the alpha subunit of human leukocyte-function-associated antigen type 1 (LFA-1), with immunosuppressant activity.

(Efalizumab, NCI Thesaurus)


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