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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A nucleoside that is formed by the deamination of adenosine; used in kidney transplantation to provide a temporary source of sugarplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting substances

Hypernyms ("inosine" is a kind of...):

nucleoside (a glycoside formed by partial hydrolysis of a nucleic acid)


 Context examples: 

In vivo, the active metabolite, MPA, reversibly inhibits inosine 5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase, an enzyme involved in the de novo synthesis of guanine nucleotides.

(Mycophenolate mofetil, NCI Thesaurus)

In vivo, the active molecule MPA reversibly inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) which is needed for guanine monophosphate synthesis and stops the proliferation of B and T lymphocytes.

(Mycophenolate Sodium, NCI Thesaurus)

Examples of these include cytidine, uridine, adenosine, guanosine, thymidine, inosine and others.

(Nucleoside, NCI Thesaurus)

An inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) inhibitor with activity against hepatitis C virus (HCV).

(Merimepodib, NCI Thesaurus)

This allele, which encodes adenosine deaminase protein, is involved in the hydrolysis of adenosine to inosine.

(ADA wt Allele, NCI Thesaurus)

An inhibitor of inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase with activity against several influenza A and B viruses.

(Amitivir, NCI Thesaurus)

ADA catalyzes the hydrolysis of adenosine to inosine; ADA deficiency causes a form of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID).

(ADA Transduced T Cell, NCI Thesaurus)

AVN944 inhibits inosine monosphosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the de novo synthesis of guanosine triphosphate (GTP), a purine molecule required for DNA and RNA synthesis.

(AVN944, NCI Thesaurus)

ADA, an enzyme that catalyzes the deamination of adenosine to inosine, plays a key role in the development and functioning of the immune system.

(EFS-ADA Lentiviral Vector-transduced CD34-positive Autologous Lymphocytes, NCI Thesaurus)

Mycophenolic acid inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), preventing the formation of guanosine monophosphate and synthesis of lymphocyte DNA that results in inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation, antibody production, cellular adhesion, and migration of T and B lymphocytes.

(Mycophenolic Acid, NCI Thesaurus)


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