A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Something inverted in sequence or character or effectplay


when the direct approach failed he tried the inverse


inverse; opposite

Classified under:

Nouns denoting relations between people or things or ideas

Hypernyms ("inverse" is a kind of...):

oppositeness; opposition (the relation between opposed entities)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "inverse"):

additive inverse ((mathematics) one of a pair of numbers whose sum is zero; the additive inverse of -5 is +5)

multiplicative inverse; reciprocal ((mathematics) one of a pair of numbers whose product is 1: the reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2; the multiplicative inverse of 7 is 1/7)

 II. (adjective) 

Sense 1


Reversed (turned backward) in order or nature or effectplay


inverse; reverse

Classified under:



backward (directed or facing toward the back or rear)

Sense 2


Opposite in nature or effect or relation to another quantityplay


a term is in inverse proportion to another term if it increases (or decreases) as the other decreases (or increases)

Classified under:



reciprocal (of or relating to the multiplicative inverse of a quantity or function)

Domain category:

math; mathematics; maths (a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement)


direct (similar in nature or effect or relation to another quantity)

 III. (verb) 

Sense 1

Present simple (first person singular and plural, second person singular and plural, third person plural) of the verb inverse


 Context examples: 

An ecological theory that proposes there is an inverse relationship between environmental temperature and an organism's body size.

(Bergmann's Rule, NOAA Paleoclimate Glossary)

Inverse associations were observed between dairy product consumption and ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction.

(Adequate intake of milk and dairy products in different life stages helps prevent chronic diseases, University of Granada)

This agent acts as an inverse agonist that combines with, and stabilizes the inactive form of the H1-receptor, shifting the H1 receptor equilibrium toward the inactive state.

(Doxylamine, NCI Thesaurus)

Once he had two-dimensional grids based on whole-rock data, he created an inverse model to come up with estimates of the oxygen isotopes within the ancient oceans.

(Scientists determine early Earth was a ‘water world’ by studying exposed ocean crust, National Science Foundation)

A unit of measurement of the optical power of a curved mirror or lens represented by the inverse of the focal length in meters.

(Diopter, NCI Thesaurus)

Ethanolamine competes with free histamine for binding at the histamine (H)-1 receptor thereby acting as an inverse agonist that combines with and stabilizes the inactive form of the H1-receptor thereby shifting the equilibrium toward the inactive state.

(Monoethanolamine, NCI Thesaurus)

A CGS unit of magnetic field strength in a dielectric equal to Gauss multiplied by the number inverse to the magnetic permeability, or as the field strength in a vacuum at a distance one centimeter from a unit magnetic pole.

(Oersted, NCI Thesaurus)


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