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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


The closest of Jupiter's moons; has active volcanoesplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting natural objects (not man-made)

Instance hypernyms:

Galilean; Galilean satellite (one of the four satellites of Jupiter that were discovered by Galileo)

Sense 2


(Greek mythology) a maiden seduced by Zeus; when Hera was about to discover them together Zeus turned her into a white heiferplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting people

Instance hypernyms:

maid; maiden (an unmarried girl (especially a virgin))

Domain category:

Greek mythology (the mythology of the ancient Greeks)


 Context examples: 

Three massive volcanic eruptions occurred on Jupiter's moon Io within a two-week period in August of last year.

(A Hellacious Two Weeks on Jupiter's Moon Io, NASA)

Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io has a thin atmosphere that collapses in the shadow of Jupiter, condensing as ice, according to a new study by NASA-funded researchers.

(New Research Reveals Fluctuating Atmosphere of Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon, NASA)

On March 8, 2015, Europa passed in front of Io from the perspective of Earth, gradually blocking out light from the volcanic moon.

(Massive Lava Waves Detected on Solar System’s Most Volcanically Active Object, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

Past NASA missions of exploration that have visited the Jovian system (Voyagers 1 and 2, Galileo, Cassini and New Horizons), along with ground-based observations, have located over 150 active volcanoes on Io so far.

(NASA Juno data indicate another possible volcano on Jupiter moon Io, NASA)

Monitoring Io's surface annually will reveal the style of volcanic eruptions there, constrain the magma composition, and accurately map the spatial distribution of the heat flow and potential variations over time.

(A Hellacious Two Weeks on Jupiter's Moon Io, NASA)

Data showed that Io’s atmosphere begins to “deflate” when the temperatures drop from -235 degrees Fahrenheit in sunlight to -270 degrees Fahrenheit during eclipse.

(New Research Reveals Fluctuating Atmosphere of Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon, NASA)

One of the most curious things to come out of our observations of Io is the periodic brightening seen at Loki Patera every 400 to 600 days.

(Massive Lava Waves Detected on Solar System’s Most Volcanically Active Object, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

Data collected by NASA's Juno spacecraft using its Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) instrument point to a new heat source close to the south pole of Io that could indicate a previously undiscovered volcano on the small moon of Jupiter.

(NASA Juno data indicate another possible volcano on Jupiter moon Io, NASA)

This information is essential to better understand the physical processes involved in the heating and cooling processes on Io.

(A Hellacious Two Weeks on Jupiter's Moon Io, NASA)

Io’s thin atmosphere, which consists primarily of sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas emitted from volcanoes, collapses as the SO2 freezes onto the surface as ice when Io is shaded by Jupiter, then is restored when the ice warms and sublimes (i.e. transforms from solid back to gas) when the moon moves out of eclipse back into sunlight.

(New Research Reveals Fluctuating Atmosphere of Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon, NASA)


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