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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


High-energy radiation capable of producing ionization in substances through which it passesplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting natural phenomena

Hypernyms ("ionizing radiation" is a kind of...):

radiation (energy that is radiated or transmitted in the form of rays or waves or particles)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "ionizing radiation"):

alpha radiation; alpha ray (the radiation of alpha particles during radioactive decay)

beta radiation; beta ray; electron radiation (radiation of beta particles during radioactive decay)

cosmic ray (highly penetrating ionizing radiation of extraterrestrial origin; consisting chiefly of protons and alpha particles; collision with atmospheric particles results in rays and particles of many kinds)

neutron radiation (radiation of neutrons (as by a neutron bomb))

roentgen ray; X-radiation; X-ray; X ray (electromagnetic radiation of short wavelength produced when high-speed electrons strike a solid target)


 Context examples: 

As an oxygen mimetic, nimorazole induces free radical formation and is able to sensitize hypoxic cells to the cytotoxic effects of ionizing radiation.

(Nimorazole, NCI Thesaurus)

Exhibiting high electron affinity, misonidazole induces the formation of free radicals and depletes radioprotective thiols, thereby sensitizing hypoxic cells to the cytotoxic effects of ionizing radiation.

(Misonidazole, NCI Thesaurus)

DNA-PK activation causes hyper-phosphorylation of histone variant H2AX on DNA and results in a different phosphorylated pattern of H2AX upon ionizing radiation treatment.

(DNA-dependent Protein Kinase-targeting siDNA DT01, NCI Thesaurus)

Motexafin gadolinium accumulates in tumor cells preferentially due to their increased rates of metabolism, generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) intracellularly and lowering the tumor cell apoptotic threshold to ionizing radiation and chemotherapy.

(Motexafin gadolinium, NCI Thesaurus)

The study of ionizing radiation and its effects on matter as it pertains to clinical use and practice.

(Medical Radiation Physics, NCI Thesaurus)

This may prevent apoptosis in normal, healthy cells during radiotherapy of cancerous cells and may allow for increased doses of ionizing radiation.

(Entolimod, NCI Thesaurus)

ATM activation by ionizing radiation damage to DNA stimulates DNA repair and blocks progression through the cell cycle.

(ATM Signaling Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/BIOCARTA)

The thiol metabolite binds to and detoxifies cytotoxic platinum-containing metabolites of cisplatin and scavenges free radicals induced by cisplatin and ionizing radiation.

(Amifostine Anhydrous, NCI Thesaurus)

The study of the processes by which normal cells, exposed to ionizing radiation, are transformed into cancer cells.

(Carcinogenesis, Radiation, NCI Thesaurus)

The amount of energy from any type of ionizing radiation (e.g., alpha, beta, gamma, neutrons, etc.) deposited in any medium (e.g. water, tissue, air).

(Absorbed Radiation Dose, NCI Thesaurus)


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