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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A metric unit of length equal to 1000 meters (or 0.621371 miles)play


kilometer; kilometre; klick; km

Classified under:

Nouns denoting quantities and units of measure

Hypernyms ("kilometre" is a kind of...):

metric linear unit (a linear unit of distance in metric terms)

Meronyms (parts of "kilometre"):

hectometer; hectometre; hm (a metric unit of length equal to 100 meters)

Holonyms ("kilometre" is a part of...):

mym; myriameter; myriametre (a metric unit of length equal to 10,000 meters)

Domain region:

Britain (a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; 'Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom)

Canada (a nation in northern North America; the French were the first Europeans to settle in mainland Canada)


 Context examples: 

The amount of helium detected in the atmosphere of WASP-107b is so large that its upper atmosphere must extend tens of thousands of kilometres out into space.

(Hubble detects helium in the atmosphere of an exoplanet for the first time, ESA/Hubble)

A team of Brazilian researchers studied samples of microplastics collected along a 39-kilometre stretch of the Paraná State coastline, in southern Brazil.

(Microplastic pollution adds to oceans’ problems, scidev.net)

MJO events travel a stretch of 12,000—20,000 kilometres eastwards from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

(Global disasters linked to warming Indo-Pacific seas, SciDev.Net)

The research team said they believe the immigrant bird was native to Española Island, which is located about 100 kilometres (60 miles) southeast of the Galápagos archipelago.

(Researchers report rapid formation of new bird species in Galápagos islands, Wikinews)

Iceland specialises in this type of eruption – the last example occurred in 2015, and it affected air quality 1400 kilometres away in Ireland.

(Volcanic eruption influenced Iceland’s conversion to Christianity, University of Cambridge)

The filter prototype, tested in Al Haouz, a rural district about 40 kilometres from Marrakech, removed a large amount of waste such as solid particles, organic pollution, nitrogen and fertiliser residue.

(Soil-based filter bricks clean up water for Moroccan farmers, SciDev.Net)

In addition to carbon and nitrogen isotope measurements, sulphide values ​​were also recorded for the El Barranquete samples, to achieve a more accurate picture of the role played by foods of marine origin, given that this necropolis is just a few kilometres from the Mediterranean Sea.

(Analysis of the Palaeolithic diet finds that, in the prehistoric age, for thousands of years there were no social divisions in food consumption, University of Granada)

The thrust from this ejected material is thought to provide the small but steady push that is sending `Oumuamua hurtling out of the Solar System faster than expected — as of 1 June 2018 it is traveling at roughly 114 000 kilometres per hour.

(ESO’s VLT Sees `Oumuamua Getting a Boost, ESO)

According to the researchers, the exoplanet now found with the help of ESO’s X-shooter orbits the white dwarf at a distance of only 10 million kilometres, or 15 times the solar radius, which would have been deep inside the red giant.

(First Giant Planet around White Dwarf Found, ESO)

However, even travelling at a breakneck speed of about 95 000 kilometres/hour, it took so long for the interstellar object to make the journey to our Solar System that Vega was not near that position when the asteroid was there about 300 000 years ago.

(ESO Observations Show First Interstellar Asteroid is Like Nothing Seen Before, ESO)


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