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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


An enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of a proenzyme to an active enzymeplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting substances

Hypernyms ("kinase" is a kind of...):

enzyme (any of several complex proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in specific biochemical reactions)


 Context examples: 

This may result in the activation of c-Jun-NH2-kinase (JNK) and ultimately apoptosis via Bcl2 suppression and caspase-3 activation.

(Ad-REIC/DKK3 Vaccine, NCI Thesaurus)

Also called multitargeted receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor ABT-869.

(ABT-869, NCI Dictionary)

Activated CDC42 kinase 1 (1038 aa, ~115 kDa) is encoded by the human TNK2 gene.

(Activated CDC42 Kinase 1, NCI Thesaurus)

This protein plays a role in the localization of protein kinase A.

(A-Kinase Anchor Protein 10, Mitochondrial, NCI Thesaurus)

MET inhibitor EMD 1204831 selectively binds to Met tyrosine kinase, thereby disrupting MET mediated signal transduction pathways.

(MET Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor EMD 1204831, NCI Thesaurus)

It associates with protein kinases A and C and phosphatase, and serves as a scaffold protein in signal transduction.

(A Kinase Anchor Protein 12, NCI Thesaurus/LocusLink)

Abelson tyrosine-protein kinase 2 (1182 aa, ~128 kDa) is encoded by the human ABL2 gene.

(Abelson Tyrosine-Protein Kinase 2, NCI Thesaurus)

In doing so, they identified an important role in the tumours for particular types of molecules known as receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) in sustaining growth and survival of DFT cancers.

(Human anti-cancer drugs could help treat transmissible cancers in Tasmanian devils, University of Cambridge)

MEK, a dual-specificity threonine/tyrosine kinase that plays a key role in the activation of the RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK signaling pathway, is frequently upregulated in a variety of tumor cell types.

(MEK Inhibitor WX-554, NCI Thesaurus)

An orally available inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 and 2 (MEK1/2) with potential antineoplastic activity.

(MEK Inhibitor MEK162, NCI Thesaurus)


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