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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A parliamentary monarchy in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula; a former colonial powerplay


Espana; Kingdom of Spain; Spain

Classified under:

Nouns denoting spatial position

Instance hypernyms:

European country; European nation (any one of the countries occupying the European continent)

Meronyms (parts of "Kingdom of Spain"):

Jerez; Jerez de la Frontera (a city in southwestern Spain that is famous for making sherry)

Leon (a city in northwestern Spain at the foot of the Cantabrian Mountains)

Malaga (a port city and resort in Andalusia in southern Spain on the Mediterranean)

Oviedo (a city in northwestern Spain near the Cantabrian Mountains)

San Sebastian (a city in northern Spain on the Bay of Biscay near the French border; a fashionable seaside resort)

Sevilla; Seville (a city in southwestern Spain; a major port and cultural center; the capital of bullfighting in Spain)

Toledo (a city in central Spain on the Tagus river; famous for steel and swords since the first century)

Aragon (a region of northeastern Spain; a former kingdom that united with Castile in 1479 to form Spain (after the marriage of Ferdinand V and Isabella I))

Saragossa; Zaragoza (an ancient city on the Ebro River in northeastern Spain; formerly the capital of Aragon)

Castile; Castilla (a region of central Spain; a former kingdom that comprised most of modern Spain and united with Aragon to form Spain in 1479)

Catalonia (a region of northeastern Spain)

Galicia (a region (and former kingdom) in northwestern Spain on the Atlantic and the Bay of Biscay)

Valencia (a city in eastern Spain on the Mediterranean)

Lusitania (ancient region and Roman province on the Iberian Peninsula; corresponds roughly to modern Portugal and parts of Spain)

Cantabrian Mountains (a range of mountains in northern Spain along the coast of the Bay of Biscay)

Cape Trafalgar (a small cape in southwestern Spain)

Ebro; Ebro River (a river in northeastern Spain; flows into the Mediterranean)

Pyrenees (a chain of mountains between France and Spain)

Sierra Nevada (a mountain range in southern Spain along the Mediterranean coast to the east of Granada)

Cordoba; Cordova (a city in southern Spain; center of Moorish culture)

Cartagena (a port in southeastern Spain on the Mediterranean)

Cadiz (an ancient port city in southwestern Spain)

Barcelona (a city in northeastern Spain on the Mediterranean; 2nd largest Spanish city and the largest port and commercial center; has been a center for radical political beliefs)

Canaries; Canary Islands (a group of mountainous islands in the Atlantic off the northwest coast of Africa forming Spanish provinces)

Majorca (the largest of the Balearic Islands)

Balearic Islands (an archipelago in the western Mediterranean off the eastern coast of Spain)

capital of Spain; Madrid; Spanish capital (the capital and largest city situated centrally in Spain; home of an outstanding art museum)

Andalucia; Andalusia (a region in southern Spain on the Atlantic and the Mediterranean; formerly a center of Moorish civilization)

Tagus; Tagus River (a European river; flows into the North Atlantic)

Meronyms (members of "Kingdom of Spain"):

Spaniard (a native or inhabitant of Spain)

Basque (a member of a people of unknown origin living in the western Pyrenees in France and Spain)

Domain member region:

amigo (a friend or comrade)

conquistador (an adventurer (especially one who led the Spanish conquest of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century))

criollo (a Spanish American of pure European stock (usually Spanish))

Don Juan (any successful womanizer (after the legendary profligate Spanish nobleman))

duenna (a woman chaperon)

Grand Inquisitor (director of the court of Inquisition (especially in Spain and Portugal))

First of October Antifascist Resistance Group; GRAPO (an armed wing of the (illegal) Communist Party of Spain; seeks to overthrow the Spanish government and replace it with a Marxist-Leninist regime)

Basque Fatherland and Liberty; Basque Homeland and Freedom; ETA; Euskadi ta Askatasuna (a terrorist organization organized in 1959 by student activists who were dissatisfied with the moderate nationalism of the traditional Basque party; want to create an independent homeland in Spain's western Pyrenees)

sangaree; sangria (sweetened red wine and orange or lemon juice with soda water)

paella (saffron-flavored dish made of rice with shellfish and chicken)

Catalan (the Romance language spoken in Catalonia in eastern Spain (related to Spanish and Occitan))

Spanish (the Romance language spoken in most of Spain and the countries colonized by Spain)

Galician (a language spoken in Galicia, an Autonomus Community of Spain)

Spanish Civil War (civil war in Spain in which Franco succeeded in overthrowing the republican government; during the war Spain became a battleground for fascists and socialists from all countries; 1936-1939)

auto-da-fe (the burning to death of heretics (as during the Spanish Inquisition))

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Kingdom of Spain"):

Logrono (a city in northern Spain on the Ebro River)

Holonyms ("Kingdom of Spain" is a part of...):

Iberia; Iberian Peninsula (a peninsula in southwestern Europe)

Europe (the 2nd smallest continent (actually a vast peninsula of Eurasia); the British use 'Europe' to refer to all of the continent except the British Isles)

Holonyms ("Kingdom of Spain" is a member of...):

Common Market; EC; EEC; EU; Europe; European Community; European Economic Community; European Union (an international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members)

NATO; North Atlantic Treaty Organization (an international organization created in 1949 by the North Atlantic Treaty for purposes of collective security)



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