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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A plant having hard lignified tissues or woody parts especially stemsplay


ligneous plant; woody plant

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("ligneous plant" is a kind of...):

tracheophyte; vascular plant (green plant having a vascular system: ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms)

Meronyms (parts of "ligneous plant"):

xylem (the woody part of plants: the supporting and water-conducting tissue, consisting primarily of tracheids and vessels)

Meronyms (substance of "ligneous plant"):

lignum (woody tissue)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "ligneous plant"):

bramble (any of various rough thorny shrubs or vines)

bush; shrub (a low woody perennial plant usually having several major stems)

tree (a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms)

arborescent plant (having the shape or characteristics of a tree)

lignosae (a category in some early taxonomies)

nightshade (any of numerous shrubs or herbs or vines of the genus Solanum; most are poisonous though many bear edible fruit)

figwort (any of numerous tall coarse woodland plants of the genus Scrophularia)

gesneriad (any of numerous tropical or subtropical small shrubs or treelets or epiphytic vines of the family Gesneriaceae: African violet; Cape primroses; gloxinia)

bignoniad (any woody plant of the family Bignoniaceae)

lupin; lupine (any plant of the genus Lupinus; bearing erect spikes of usually purplish-blue flowers)

bush clover; lespedeza (shrubby or herbaceous plants widely used for forage, soil improvement, and especially hay in southern United States)

false indigo; wild indigo (any of several plants of the genus Baptisia)

milk-vetch; milk vetch (any of various plants of the genus Astragalus)

Pipturus argenteus; Queensland grass-cloth plant (Australian plant of genus Pipturus whose fiber is used in making cloth)

ravenala; Ravenala madagascariensis; traveler's tree; traveller's tree (giant treelike plant having edible nuts and leafstalks that yield a refreshing drink of clear watery sap; reputedly an emergency source of water for travelers)

combretum (any of numerous shrubs or small trees of the genus Combretum having spikes of small flowers)

aralia (any of various plants of the genus Aralia; often aromatic plants having compound leaves and small umbellate flowers)

melilot; melilotus; sweet clover (erect annual or biennial plant grown extensively especially for hay and soil improvement)

bugbane (a plant of the genus Cimicifuga having flowers in long racemes or panicles reported to be distasteful to insects)



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