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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Comprising seed plants that produce an embryo with a single cotyledon and parallel-veined leaves: includes grasses and lilies and palms and orchids; divided into four subclasses or superorders: Alismatidae; Arecidae; Commelinidae; and Liliidaeplay


class Liliopsida; class Monocotyledonae; class Monocotyledones; Liliopsida; Monocotyledonae; Monocotyledones

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("Liliopsida" is a kind of...):

class ((biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders)

Meronyms (members of "Liliopsida"):

liliopsid genus; monocot genus (genus of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed)

endogen; liliopsid; monocot; monocotyledon (a monocotyledonous flowering plant; the stem grows by deposits on its inside)

Alismatidae; subclass Alismatidae (one of four subclasses or superorders of Monocotyledones; comprises about 500 species in 14 families of aquatic and semiaquatic herbs)

Arecidae; subclass Arecidae (one of four subclasses or superorder of Monocotyledones; comprises about 6400 species in 5 families of trees and shrubs and terrestrial herbs and a few free-floating aquatics including: Palmae; Araceae; Pandanaceae and Lemnaceae)

Commelinidae; subclass Commelinidae (one of four subclasses or superorders of Monocotyledones; comprises about 19,000 species in 25 families of mostly terrestrial herbs especially of moist places including: Cyperaceae; Gramineae; Bromeliaceae; and Zingiberaceae)

Liliidae; subclass Liliidae (one of four subclasses or superorders of Monocotyledones; comprises 17 families including: Liliaceae; Alliaceae; Amaryllidaceae; Iridaceae; Orchidaceae; Trilliaceae)

Alismales; Naiadales; order Alismales; order Naiadales (an order of aquatic monocotyledonous herbaceous plants)

Holonyms ("Liliopsida" is a member of...):

Angiospermae; Anthophyta; class Angiospermae; division Anthophyta; division Magnoliophyta; Magnoliophyta (comprising flowering plants that produce seeds enclosed in an ovary; in some systems considered a class (Angiospermae) and in others a division (Magnoliophyta or Anthophyta))



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