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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

Irregular inflected forms: lipped  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation, lipping  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Either the outer margin or the inner margin of the aperture of a gastropod's shellplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting animals

Hypernyms ("lip" is a kind of...):

border; margin; perimeter (the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary)

Sense 2


The top edge of a vessel or other containerplay


brim; lip; rim

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects

Hypernyms ("lip" is a kind of...):

edge (a sharp side formed by the intersection of two surfaces of an object)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "lip"):

collar; shoe collar (the stitching that forms the rim of a shoe or boot)

Holonyms ("lip" is a part of...):

vessel (an object used as a container (especially for liquids))

Sense 3


Either of two fleshy folds of tissue that surround the mouth and play a role in speakingplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting body parts

Hypernyms ("lip" is a kind of...):

external body part (any body part visible externally)

articulator (a movable speech organ)

Meronyms (parts of "lip"):

arteria labialis; labial artery (an artery that is a branch of the facial artery that supplies the lips of the mouth)

labial vein; vena labialis (a vein draining the lips of the mouth)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "lip"):

overlip (the upper lip)

underlip (the lower lip)

Holonyms ("lip" is a part of...):

mouth (the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening)

Sense 4


An impudent or insolent rejoinderplay


don't give me any of your sass


back talk; backtalk; lip; mouth; sass; sassing

Classified under:

Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents

Hypernyms ("lip" is a kind of...):

comeback; counter; rejoinder; replication; retort; return; riposte (a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one))

Sense 5


(botany) either of the two parts of a bilabiate corolla or calyxplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("lip" is a kind of...):

plant part; plant structure (any part of a plant or fungus)

Domain category:

botany; phytology (the branch of biology that studies plants)

 II. (verb) 

Sense 1

Present simple (first person singular and plural, second person singular and plural, third person plural) of the verb lip


 Context examples: 

A malignant neoplasm that has spread to the lip from another anatomic site.

(Metastatic Malignant Neoplasm to the Lip, NCI Thesaurus)

Often, surgery can close the lip and palate.

(Cleft Lip and Palate, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Oaths rolled from his lips in a continuous stream.

(The Sea-Wolf, by Jack London)

Larger, older, and stronger, Lip- lip had selected White Fang for his special object of persecution.

(White Fang, by Jack London)

The murderous mark of the fiend’s grasp was on her neck, and the breath had ceased to issue from her lips.

(Frankenstein, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)

It wasn't at all the thing, I'm afraid, but the minute she was fairly married, Meg cried, "The first kiss for Marmee!" and turning, gave it with her heart on her lips.

(Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott)

His skin, wherever it was exposed, was burnt by the sun; even his lips were black, and his fair eyes looked quite startling in so dark a face.

(Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson)

A benign, small, papular or nodular skin neoplasm that usually arises above the upper lip.

(Pilar Sheath Acanthoma, NCI Thesaurus)

A disorder characterized by a sensation of marked discomfort in the mouth, tongue or lips.

(Oral Pain, NCI Thesaurus/CTCAE)

Where her lips touched the girl they left a round, shining mark, as Dorothy found out soon after.

(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum)


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