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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Genus of terrestrial orchids having usually a single pair of broad shining leaves near the middle of the stem; found in temperate Asia and North America and Europeplay


genus Listera; Listera

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("Listera" is a kind of...):

liliopsid genus; monocot genus (genus of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed)

Meronyms (members of "Listera"):

broad-leaved twayblade; Listera convallarioides (small orchid with two elliptic leaves and a slender raceme of small green flowers; western North America)

lesser twayblade; Listera cordata (orchid having two triangular leaves and a short lax raceme of green to rust-colored flowers with the lip flushed mauve; Europe and Asia and North America and Greenland)

Listera ovata; twayblade (orchid having a pair of ovate leaves and a long slender raceme of green flowers sometimes tinged red-brown; Europe to central Asia)

Holonyms ("Listera" is a member of...):

family Orchidaceae; orchid family; Orchidaceae (enormous cosmopolitan family of perennial terrestrial or epiphytic plants with fleshy tubers or rootstocks and unusual flowers)



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