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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A vascular duct that carries lymph which is eventually added to the venous blood circulationplay


lymph vessel; lymphatic vessel

Classified under:

Nouns denoting body parts

Hypernyms ("lymphatic vessel" is a kind of...):

canal; channel; duct; epithelial duct (a bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells and conveying a secretion or other substance)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "lymphatic vessel"):

thoracic duct (the major duct of the lymphatic system)

lacteal (any of the lymphatic vessels that convey chyle from the small intestine to the thoracic duct)

Holonyms ("lymphatic vessel" is a part of...):

lymphatic system; systema lymphaticum (the interconnected system of spaces and vessels between body tissues and organs by which lymph circulates throughout the body)


 Context examples: 

A domain for physiological findings related to the cardiovascular system, including the heart, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels.

(Cardiovascular System Findings Domain, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)

A benign neoplasm characterized by the presence of a vascular proliferation that arises from blood and lymphatic vessels.

(Benign Cutaneous Vascular Neoplasm, NCI Thesaurus)

In 1816, an Italian anatomist reported finding lymphatic vessels on the surface of the brain, but for two centuries, it was forgotten.

(NIH researchers uncover drain pipes in our brains, National Institutes of Health)

A benign neoplasm arising from the lymphatic vessels.

(Benign Lymphatic Vessel Neoplasm, NCI Thesaurus)

VEGFR-3 plays a critical role in the embryonic vascular system development but is restricted postnatally to endothelial cells of lymphatic vessels and found to be expressed in many solid and hematologic malignancies.

(Anti-VEGFR3 Monoclonal Antibody IMC-3C5, NCI Thesaurus)

Most cases show morphologic evidence of appendiceal wall and lymphatic vessel invasion by tumor cells.

(Appendix Enterochromaffin Cell Serotonin-Producing Neuroendocrine Tumor, NCI Thesaurus)

The device consists of an infrared sensor mounted on an iPad that produces highly accurate 3-D reconstructions of the legs — the limbs most commonly affected by lymphedema or fluid accumulation from blocked lymphatic vessels.

(New portable device to gauge severity of elephantiasis, SciDev.Net)

Lymphatic vessels are part of the body’s circulatory system.

(NIH researchers uncover drain pipes in our brains, National Institutes of Health)

The results suggested that the dye leaked out of the blood vessels, flowed through the dura and into neighboring lymphatic vessels.

(NIH researchers uncover drain pipes in our brains, National Institutes of Health)

The team discovered lymphatic vessels in the dura, the leathery outer coating of the brain.

(NIH researchers uncover drain pipes in our brains, National Institutes of Health)


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