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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Any of various plants of the genus Polygalaplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("milkwort" is a kind of...):

subshrub; suffrutex (low-growing woody shrub or perennial with woody base)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "milkwort"):

Polygala alba; senega (perennial bushy herb of central and southern United States having white flowers with green centers and often purple crest; similar to Seneca snakeroot)

candyweed; orange milkwort; Polygala lutea; yellow bachelor's button; yellow milkwort (bog plant of pine barrens of southeastern United States having spikes of irregular yellow-orange flowers)

bird-on-the-wing; flowering wintergreen; fringed polygala; gaywings; Polygala paucifolia (common trailing perennial milkwort of eastern North America having leaves like wintergreen and usually rosy-purple flowers with winged sepals)

Polygala senega; Seneca snakeroot; senega root; senega snakeroot; Seneka snakeroot; senga root (eastern North American plant having a terminal cluster of small white flowers and medicinal roots)

common milkwort; gand flower; Polygala vulgaris (small European perennial with numerous branches having racemes of blue, pink or white flowers; formerly reputed to promote human lactation)

Holonyms ("milkwort" is a member of...):

genus Polygala; Polygala (type genus of the Polygalaceae: milkwort; senega; snakeroot)



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