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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Any of various devices or contrivances that can be used to produce musical tones or soundsplay


instrument; musical instrument

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects

Hypernyms ("musical instrument" is a kind of...):

device (an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "musical instrument"):

barrel organ; grind organ; hand organ (a musical instrument that makes music by rotation of a cylinder studded with pegs)

hurdy-gurdy; hurdy gurdy; wheel fiddle (a stringed instrument that produces sounds by means of a wheel that rubs against the strings)

bass (the member with the lowest range of a family of musical instruments)

calliope; steam organ (a musical instrument consisting of a series of steam whistles played from a keyboard)

electronic instrument; electronic musical instrument (a musical instrument that generates sounds electronically)

jew's harp; jews' harp; mouth bow (a small lyre-shaped musical instrument that is placed between the teeth and played by twanging a wire tongue while changing the shape of the mouth cavity)

keyboard instrument (a musical instrument that is played by means of a keyboard)

music box; musical box (produces music by means of pins on a revolving cylinder that strike the tuned teeth of a comb-like metal plate)

percussion instrument; percussive instrument (a musical instrument in which the sound is produced by one object striking another)

stringed instrument (a musical instrument in which taut strings provide the source of sound)

wind; wind instrument (a musical instrument in which the sound is produced by an enclosed column of air that is moved by bellows or the human breath)



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