A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (adjective) 

Sense 1


Characterized by neglect and undue lack of concernplay


negligent in his correspondence

Classified under:



delinquent; derelict; neglectful; remiss (failing in what duty requires)

lax; slack (lacking in rigor or strictness)

hit-and-run (involving a driver of a motor vehicle who leaves the scene of an accident)

inattentive; neglectful (not showing due care or attention)


inattentive (showing a lack of attention or care)

careless (marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful)


diligent (characterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks)


neglect (fail to attend to)

neglect (give little or no attention to)

negligence (the trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern)


 Context examples: 

There was always sufficient reason for such an attention; Mrs. and Miss Bates loved to be called on, and she knew she was considered by the very few who presumed ever to see imperfection in her, as rather negligent in that respect, and as not contributing what she ought to the stock of their scanty comforts.

(Emma, by Jane Austen)

They were sneering and negligent.

(Emma, by Jane Austen)

She had not deserved it; she had often been negligent or perverse, slighting his advice, or even wilfully opposing him, insensible of half his merits, and quarrelling with him because he would not acknowledge her false and insolent estimate of her own—but still, from family attachment and habit, and thorough excellence of mind, he had loved her, and watched over her from a girl, with an endeavour to improve her, and an anxiety for her doing right, which no other creature had at all shared.

(Emma, by Jane Austen)


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