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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


An independent agency of the federal government responsible for the promotion of progress in science and engineering by supporting programs in research and educationplay


National Science Foundation; NSF

Classified under:

Nouns denoting groupings of people or objects

Hypernyms ("NSF" is a kind of...):

independent agency (an agency of the United States government that is created by an act of Congress and is independent of the executive departments)


 Context examples: 

"This new view of dissolved phosphorus will be critical to understanding how life is responding to a changing ocean," said Mike Sieracki, a program director in NSF's Division of Ocean Sciences.

(Study reveals new patterns of key ocean nutrient, National Science Foundation)

This internal compass can help orient animals who live in a complex, dynamic three-dimensional habitat,” said Mike Sieracki, a program director in NSF's Division of Ocean Sciences.

(North Atlantic haddock use magnetic compass to guide them, National Science Foundation)

This study sends a hopeful message that ecosystems can be surprisingly resilient if given enough time after a major disturbance, said Doug Levey, a program director in NSF's Division of Environmental Biology.

(Coastal birds can weather the storm, but not the sea, National Science Foundation)

This research probes how elements of reproductive conflict can evolve into permanent reproductive cooperation in spite of their costs, said George Gilchrist, acting deputy director of the NSF Division of Environmental Biology.

(For species that mate for life, bonding behaviors provide advantages, National Science Foundation)

"This study combines geophysical and geochemical data to infer how porous space is created in the subsurface," said Lina Patino, director of NSF's Division of Earth Sciences.

(Study explores how rock expands near soil surface in Sierra Nevada, National Science Foundation)

Individual marsh plants become smaller and denser with increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide and nitrogen, increasing overall marsh biomass and elevation, says Betsy von Holle, a program director in NSF's Division of Environmental Biology.

(High carbon dioxide can create 'shrinking stems' in marshes, National Science Foundation)

This research highlights the value of long-term studies for understanding the impact of environmental change on long-lived marine predators such as penguins, said Jennifer Burns, a program director in NSF's Office of Polar Programs.

(Whaling and climate change lead to 100 years of feast or famine for Antarctic penguins, National Science Foundation)

These results not only resolve a decade-long question in our understanding of graphene, they have implications for the creation of machines that are small and flexible enough to interact, for example, with cells or other biological materials, says Dan Finotello, a program director in NSF's Division of Materials Research.

(Graphene: The more you bend it, the softer it gets, National Science Foundation)

This study points to the importance of long-term research, especially long-term experiments to understand the complex changes that are happening to Earth's living systems, said Elizabeth Blood, a program director for NSF's Division of Biological Infrastructure.

(Environmental change is triggering an identity switch in grasslands, National Science Foundation)

Rebecca Ferrell, the director of NSF's Biological Anthropology program, notes, The global, deep-time perspective of this research offers us insight into the complex interactions among species, including humans, through time and space, further contextualizing our understanding of primate and broader mammalian biodiversity.

(Connecting the prehistoric past to the global future, National Science Foundation)


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