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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (adjective) 

Sense 1


Placed on or over something elseplay


an overlying image


overlying; superimposed

Classified under:



superjacent (lying immediately above or on something else)

 II. (verb) 

Sense 1

-ing form of the verb overlie


 Context examples: 

Paget disease involving the skin overlying the mammary gland, without accompanying invasive ductal or lobular breast carcinoma.

(Paget Disease of the Breast without Invasive Carcinoma, NCI Thesaurus)

Before the discovery of the Hiawatha impact crater, scientists generally assumed that most evidence of past impacts in Greenland and Antarctica would have been wiped away by unrelenting erosion by the overlying ice.

(NASA Finds Possible Second Impact Crater Under Greenland Ice, NASA)

Excision of the apical portion of a tooth root through an opening made in the overlying labial, buccal, lingual, or palatal alveolar bone.

(Apicoectomy, NCI Thesaurus)

A new study by University of Wyoming researchers suggests scientists can go back to the past to study present-day solidified magma chambers where the erosion has removed overlying rock, exposing granite underpinnings.

(Supervolcanoes like Yellowstone may have been more active in the past, NSF)

A form of ACTINOMYCOSIS characterized by slow-growing inflammatory lesions of the lymph nodes that drain the mouth (lumpy jaw), reddening of the overlying skin, and intraperitoneal abscesses.

(Cervicofacial Actinomycotic Infection, NLM, Medical Subject Headings)

Superficial vascularization of the cornea with infiltration of granulation tissue; an inflammatory exudate overlying the lining layer of synovial cells on the inside of a joint.

(Pannus Formation, NCI Thesaurus)

Guided by the placement of a magnet on the body surface overlying a tumor site, the doxorubicin-MTC complex delivers doxorubicin directly to the tumor site, thereby targeting and prolonging the duration of doxorubicin-mediated cytotoxicity to the tumor bed while minimizing systemic toxicity.

(Doxorubicin-Magnetic Targeted Carrier Complex, NCI Thesaurus)

Hillocks grow into hills, and hills into mountains, each range overlying its neighbor, until they soar up in the giant chain which raises its spotless and untrodden peaks, white and dazzling, against the pale blue wintry sky.

(The White Company, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

To confirm their suspicions, in May 2016 the team sent a research plane from Germany’s Alfred Wegener Institute to fly over the Hiawatha Glacier and map the crater and the overlying ice with a state-of-the-art ice-penetrating radar provided by the University of Kansas.

(Unexpected Discovery Under Greenland Ice, NASA)


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