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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Hormone synthesized and released into the blood stream by the parathyroid glands; regulates phosphorus and calcium in the body and functions in neuromuscular excitation and blood clottingplay


parathormone; parathyroid hormone

Classified under:

Nouns denoting body parts

Hypernyms ("parathyroid hormone" is a kind of...):

endocrine; hormone; internal secretion (the secretion of an endocrine gland that is transmitted by the blood to the tissue on which it has a specific effect)


 Context examples: 

A higher-than-normal amount of parathyroid hormone causes high levels of calcium in the blood and may be a sign of disease.

(Parathyroid hormone, NCI Dictionary)

An endocrine disorder characterized by decreased production of parathyroid hormone by the parathyroid glands.

(Hypoparathyroidism, NCI Thesaurus)

The determination of the amount of intact parathyroid hormone present in a sample.

(Intact Parathyroid Hormone Measurement, NCI Thesaurus)

Cinacalcet increases the sensitivity of calcium-sensing receptors on chief cells in the parathyroid gland to extracellular calcium, thereby reducing parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion.

(Cinacalcet Hydrochloride, NCI Thesaurus)

The determination of the amount of C-terminal parathyroid hormone present in a sample.

(C-Terminal Parathyroid Hormone Measurement, NCI Thesaurus)

A rare inherited condition in which one or more tumors form in the parathyroid glands (four pea-sized organs found on the thyroid) and cause them to make too much parathyroid hormone.

(Familial isolated hyperparathyroidism, NCI Dictionary)

A rare, autosomal dominant hereditary syndrome characterized by hypercalcemia, abnormally high levels of parathyroid hormone, and isolated hyperfunctioning parathyroid tumors.

(Familial isolated hyperparathyroidism, NCI Thesaurus)

A measurement of the C-terminal fragment of parathyroid hormone in a biological specimen.

(C-Terminal Parathyroid Hormone Measurement, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)

It is associated with the symptoms of primary hyperparathyroidism, resulting from the excessive production of parathyroid hormone.

(Parathyroid Gland Adenoma, NCI Thesaurus)

The determination of the amount of fragmented parathyroid hormone present in a sample.

(Fragmented Parathyroid Hormone Measurement, NCI Thesaurus)


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