A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A family of Amerindian language spoken in the great interior valley of Californiaplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents

Hypernyms ("Penutian" is a kind of...):

American-Indian language; American Indian; Amerind; Amerindian language; Indian (any of the languages spoken by Amerindians)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Penutian"):

Tsimshian (a Penutian language spoken by the Tsimshian)

Takelma; Takilman (a Penutian language spoken by the Takelma)

Sahaptin; Shahaptian (a Penutian language spoken by the Shahaptian)

Kusan (a Penutian language spoken by the Kusan)

Kalapooian; Kalapuyan (a Penutian language spoken by the Kalapuya)

Chinook; Chinookan (a Penutian language spoken by the Chinook)

Maidu; Pujunan (a Penutian language spoken by the Maidu)

Miwok; Moquelumnan (a Penutian language spoken by the Miwok)

Mariposan; Yokuts (a Penutian language spoken by the Yokuts in the San Joaquin Valley)

Costanoan (a Penutian language spoken by the Costanoan)

Copehan (a group of Penutian languages spoken to the west of the Sacramento river)

Sense 2


A member of a North American Indian people speaking one of the Penutian languagesplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting people

Hypernyms ("Penutian" is a kind of...):

Amerindian; Native American (any member of the peoples living in North or South America before the Europeans arrived)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Penutian"):

Yokuts (a member of the North American Indian people of the San Joaquin Valley)

Wintun (a member of a North American Indian people living in the Sacramento valley in California)

Tsimshian (a member of a Penutian people who lived on rivers and a sound in British Columbia)

Takelma (a member of a North American Indian people of southwestern Oregon)

Sahaptin; Sahaptino; Shahaptian (a member of a North American Indian people who lived in Oregon along the Columbia river and its tributaries in Washington and northern Idaho)

Patwin (a member of the North American Indian people living in the Sacramento valley in California)

Miwok (a member of the North American Indian people living in the central Sierra Nevada in California)

Maidu (a member of a North American Indian people living east of the Sacramento river in California)

Kusan; Calapooya; Calapuya; Kalapooia; Kalapuya (a member of the North American Indian people of Oregon)

Costanoan (a member of a North American Indian people living in coastal California between Monterey and San Francisco Bay)

Chinook (a member of an important North American Indian people who controlled the mouth of the Columbia river; they were organized into settlements rather than tribes)



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