A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (adverb) 

Sense 1


By the year; every year (usually with reference to a sum of money paid or received)play


we issue six volumes per annum


annually; each year; p.a.; per annum; per year

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 Context examples: 

U.S. residents generate 1.6 million tons of household hazardous waste per year.

(Hazardous Waste, Environmental Protection Agency)

That represents an increase of 36 gigatons per year, plus or minus 15, since 2008.

(New Study Brings Antarctic Ice Loss Into Sharper Focus, NASA)

"But what we found, in four separate cases, were neighboring galaxies that were forming stars at a furious pace, producing a hundred solar masses' worth of new stars per year," Decarli explained.

(Stunning Star Birth in Earliest Galaxies, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

The new data also allowed astronomers to measure the rate at which the pulsar slows, or spins down (about 30 microseconds per year), as well as how this spin-down rate varies over time.

(Pulse of a Dead Star Powers Intense Gamma Rays, NASA)

The researchers said deaths from coastal flooding would also increase sharply, from six deaths per year at the beginning of this century to 233 a year by the end of it.

(Study: Climate Change Will Bring 50-Fold Rise in Europe Weather-related Deaths, VOA News)

Satellite observations of the ocean surface, which began in 1993, indicated the rate of sea level rise was holding fairly steady at about 3 millimeters per year.

(Volcanic eruption masked acceleration in sea level rise, NSF)

Dominant breeders are typically absent for under two hours per year.

(Breeder meerkats age faster, but their subordinates still die younger, University of Cambridge)

Sparky produced roughly 300 stars per year, compared to the 10 stars per year produced by our Milky Way.

(Telescopes Uncover Early Construction of Giant Galaxy, NASA)

The models review two possible orbits: one tidally locked and one modeled after Mercury's, with a slow-rotating three days per year.

(Simulations show planet orbiting Proxima Centauri could have liquid water, Wikinews)

A study published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances, finds the Earth’s artificially lit outdoor areas grew by 2.2 percent per year from 2012 to 2016.

(Study: Earth’s Night Skies Getting Brighter, VOA)


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