A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


The performance of a part or role in a dramaplay


acting; performing; playacting; playing

Classified under:

Nouns denoting acts or actions

Hypernyms ("performing" is a kind of...):

activity (any specific behavior)

performing arts (arts or skills that require public performance)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "performing"):

characterization; enactment; personation; portrayal (acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the character by speech and action and gesture)

impersonation; personation (imitating the mannerisms of another person)

method; method acting (an acting technique introduced by Stanislavsky in which the actor recalls emotions or reactions from his or her own life and uses them to identify with the character being portrayed)

dumb show; mime; pantomime (a performance using gestures and body movements without words)

business; byplay; stage business (incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect)

skit (a short theatrical episode)

hamming; overacting (poor acting by a ham actor)

heroics (ostentatious or vainglorious or extravagant or melodramatic conduct)

reenactment (performing a role in an event that occurred at an earlier time)

roleplaying (acting a particular role (as in psychotherapy))

Holonyms ("performing" is a part of...):

performance (the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment)


perform (give a performance (of something))

 II. (verb) 

Sense 1

-ing form of the verb perform


 Context examples: 

Comments in addition to the specimen condition from the central or performing laboratory describing the specimen.

(Performed Observation Result Comment, NCI Thesaurus/BRIDG)

But Isabella had promised and promised again; and when she promised a thing, she was so scrupulous in performing it!

(Northanger Abbey, by Jane Austen)

It might refer to a temporal or sequential relationship, or indicate the possibility of performing a particular type of activity as a substitute for another one.

(Clinical Study Activity Relationship, NCI Thesaurus)

A special purpose domain that contains design parameters used in performing pharmacogenomic assessments.

(Pharmacogenomics Trial Characteristics Domain, NCI Thesaurus)

EXAMPLE(S): A performing lab may have completed the observation or lab test using conventional units, but the sponsor may wish to have the test reported in SI units.

(Performed Clinical Result As Collected Indicator, NCI Thesaurus/BRIDG)

Techniques used for deliberately altering the genetic material of an organism in order to make them capable of making new substances or performing new or different functions.

(Organism Modification, NCI Thesaurus)

Subsequently, the child responds by performing a motor activity in response to the specific stimulus.

(Conditioning Play Audiometry, NCI Thesaurus)

Performing a review of the manufacturing steps and processes to ensure that they were met and followed and that the device records reflected these processes.

(Device Manufacturing Review Evaluation Method, Food and Drug Administration)

Performing a review of the assembly and packaging processes and records for a specific device or lot that may have contributed to problems with the device.

(Device Assembly and Packaging Review Evaluation Method, Food and Drug Administration)

Performing a review of the manufacturing and production processes and/or records for a specific device or lot that may have contributed to problems with a device.

(Device Process Evaluation Method, Food and Drug Administration)


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