A new language, a new life
/ Learning English

Banking English: Personal Account and Deposit Account

Role-Play Exercise 1

Bank clerk:    — May I ask you for some particulars so that I can fill in these forms. First of all, may I have your name, please?
You:    — ...
Bank clerk:    — Your profession?
You:    — ...
Bank clerk:    — Your address?
You:    — ...
Bank clerk:    — Your wife´s name is...?
You:    — ...
Bank clerk:    — ...and her maiden name?
You:    — ...
Bank clerk:    — Here´s the form for the opening of an account. If you could sign it here..., and here. Thank you. And could I have a specimen of your signature here, please.... Thank you. May I have your identity card, please?
You:    — ...
Bank clerk:    — All right. Let´s go over to the counter and you can deposit the money.
You:    — ...


Role-Play Exercise 2

You:    — ...
Bank clerk:    — Certainly madam. Would you like a Standard Plus or an Elite account?
You:    — ...
Bank clerk:    — You can open a Standard Plus account with just €10. The account comes with a cash card so you can withdraw your money at any time. The Standard Plus account currently pays 1.8% interest. For the Elite deposit account you need a minimum of €1000, and you have to give 21 days notice to withdraw money. The interest rate is 3.2%.
You:    — ...
Bank clerk:    — Certainly. How much would you like to put into the account?
You:    — ...
Bank clerk:    — All right. We´ll need two documents: one proof of ID, such as passport, ID card or driving licence with photograph, and one proof of address, such as a recent telephone or utilities bill, credit card statement etc.
You:    — ...


Role-Play Exercise 3

You:    — ...
Bank clerk:    — Yes?
You:    — ...
Bank clerk:    — Yes, sir. It´s the remittance you sent to New York.
You:    — ...
Bank clerk:    — That´s the bank charge.
You:    — ...
Bank clerk:    — No sir, that´s an interest charge. You´ve overdrawn your account this month.
You:    — ...
Bank clerk:    — No problem.


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