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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Any of numerous chiefly shorebirds of relatively compact build having straight bills and large pointed wings; closely related to the sandpipersplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting animals

Hypernyms ("plover" is a kind of...):

limicoline bird; shore bird; shorebird (any of numerous wading birds that frequent mostly seashores and estuaries)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "plover"):

Charadrius melodus; piping plover (small plover of eastern North America)

Charadrius vociferus; kildeer; killdeer; killdeer plover (American plover of inland waters and fields having a distinctive cry)

Charadrius morinellus; dotrel; dotterel; Eudromias morinellus (rare plover of upland areas of Eurasia)

golden plover (plovers of Europe and America having the backs marked with golden-yellow spots)

green plover; lapwing; peewit; pewit (large crested Old World plover having wattles and spurs)

turnstone (migratory shorebirds of the plover family that turn over stones in searching for food)

Holonyms ("plover" is a member of...):

Charadriidae; family Charadriidae (plover family)



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