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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


The quality of being widely admired or accepted or sought afterplay


the universal popularity of American movies

Classified under:

Nouns denoting attributes of people and objects

Hypernyms ("popularity" is a kind of...):

quality (an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone)


popular (regarded with great favor, approval, or affection especially by the general public)

unpopular (regarded with disfavor or lacking general approval)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "popularity"):

hot stuff (the quality of being popular)


unpopularity (the quality of lacking general approval or acceptance)


popular ((of music or art) new and of general appeal (especially among young people))

popular (regarded with great favor, approval, or affection especially by the general public)


 Context examples: 

Lady Russell let this pass, and only said in rejoinder, I own that to be able to regard you as the future mistress of Kellynch, the future Lady Elliot, to look forward and see you occupying your dear mother's place, succeeding to all her rights, and all her popularity, as well as to all her virtues, would be the highest possible gratification to me.

(Persuasion, by Jane Austen)

Her daughter enjoyed a most uncommon degree of popularity for a woman neither young, handsome, rich, nor married.

(Emma, by Jane Austen)

His very popularity seemed a disgrace and a treason to Brissenden.

(Martin Eden, by Jack London)

If you are active in social media, your stars show you will attract followers easily, for your popularity will soar this year.

(AstrologyZone.com, by Susan Miller)

You were very popular before you came, because you were Mr. Weston's son—but lay out half a guinea at Ford's, and your popularity will stand upon your own virtues.

(Emma, by Jane Austen)

"Overdue" was rushed upon the market by the Meredith-Lowell Company in the height of his popularity, and being fiction, in point of sales it made even a bigger strike than "The Shame of the Sun."

(Martin Eden, by Jack London)

Once Mars moves into your love sector from February 16 until March 30, your popularity in matters of the heart will be so strong that as a modest Virgo, you might be bewildered by all the positive attention you will garner.

(AstrologyZone.com, by Susan Miller)

The visit afforded her many pleasant recollections the next day; and all that she might be supposed to have lost on the side of dignified seclusion, must be amply repaid in the splendour of popularity.

(Emma, by Jane Austen)


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