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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Woody pore fungi; any fungus of the family Polyporaceae or family Boletaceae having the spore-bearing surface within tubes or pores; the fruiting bodies are usually woody at maturity and persistentplay


polypore; pore fungus; pore mushroom

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("pore mushroom" is a kind of...):

basidiomycete; basidiomycetous fungi (any of various fungi of the subdivision Basidiomycota)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "pore mushroom"):

bracket fungus; shelf fungus (a woody fungus that forms shelflike sporophores on tree trunks and wood structures)

Albatrellus dispansus (a rare fungus having a large (up to 14 inches wide) yellow fruiting body with multiple individual caps and a broad central stalk and a fragrant odor)

Albatrellus ovinus; sheep polypore (a fungus with a whitish often circular cap and a white pore surface and small pores and a white central stalk; found under conifers; edible but not popular)

Neolentinus ponderosus (a gilled polypore with a large cap (up to 15 inches in diameter) and a broad stalk; edible when young and tender)

Nigroporus vinosus (a woody pore fungus with a dark brown to red brown cap and spore surface and small pores)

Oligoporus leucospongia (a pore fungus with a whitish cottony soft cap found on conifer logs in forests at high elevation in the western United States and adjacent Canada)

Polyporus tenuiculus (a fungus with a whitish kidney-shaped cap and elongated pores; causes white rot in dead hardwoods)

Polyporus squamosus; scaly polypore (a fungus with a lateral stalk (when there is a stalk) and a scaly cap that becomes nearly black in maturity; widely distributed in the northern hemisphere)

beefsteak fungus; Fistulina hepatica (a popular edible fungus with a cap the color of liver or raw meat; abundant in southeastern United States)



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