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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A female sovereign rulerplay


female monarch; queen; queen regnant

Classified under:

Nouns denoting people

Hypernyms ("queen regnant" is a kind of...):

female aristocrat (a woman who is an aristocrat)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "queen regnant"):

Queen of England (the sovereign ruler of England)

Instance hyponyms:

Cleopatra (beautiful and charismatic queen of Egypt; mistress of Julius Caesar and later of Mark Antony; killed herself to avoid capture by Octavian (69-30 BC))

Isabella; Isabella I; Isabella the Catholic; Queen Isabella (the queen of Castile whose marriage to Ferdinand of Aragon in 1469 marked the beginning of the modern state of Spain; they instituted the Spanish Inquisition in 1478 and sponsored the voyages of Christopher Columbus in 1492 (1451-1504))

Liliuokalani; Lydia Kamekeha Paki Liliuokalani (queen of the Hawaiian islands (1838-1917))

Mary Queen of Scots; Mary Stuart (queen of Scotland from 1542 to 1567; as a Catholic she was forced to abdicate in favor of her son and fled to England where she was imprisoned by Elizabeth I; when Catholic supporters plotted to put her on the English throne she was tried and executed for sedition (1542-1587))

Holonyms ("queen regnant" is a member of...):

royal family; royal house; royal line; royalty (royal persons collectively)



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