A new language, a new life
/ Learning English

Hotel English. At the airport information desk


Paul Ryefield:    — Could you give me some information?
Information desk clerk:    — Sure, go ahead.
Paul Ryefield:    — I´ve just arrived from Bucharest. Could you recommend any good hotel that isn´t too expensive? I´m thinking of a single room at about 50 dollars a night.
Information desk clerk:    — You might try the Park Hotel or the Morrison Motel. Do you want me to make a reservation for you?
Paul Ryefield:    — Yes, please.
Information desk clerk:    — May I have your name?
Paul Ryefield:    — Certainly. My name´s Paul Ryefield.
Information desk clerk:    — All right, Mr. Ryefield. Will you excuse for a moment?
Paul Ryefield:    — Sure.
Information desk clerk:    — All right, Mr. Ryefield. I´ve reserved one single room in your name in the Park Hotel. This is your confirmation number. They will hold your room for three hours.
Paul Ryefield:    — Thanks a lot. What´s the best way to go there?
Information desk clerk:    — You can go by shuttle bus if you like. Our buses run hourly.
Paul Ryefield:    — When is the next one?
Information desk clerk:    — It´ll be leaving in 15 minutes. Would you like a ticket?
Paul Ryefield:    — Yes, please.

Role-play exercise

You:    — ...
Information desk clerk:    — Sure, go ahead.
You:    — ...
Information desk clerk:    — You might try the Park Hotel or the Morrison Motel. Do you want me to make a reservation for you?
You:    — ...
Information desk clerk:    — May I have your name?
You:    — ...
Information desk clerk:    — All right, Mr. Ryefield. Will you excuse for a moment?
You:    — ...
Information desk clerk:    — All right, Mr. Ryefield. I've reserved one single room in your name in the Park Hotel. This is your confirmation number. They will hold your room for three hours.
You:    — ...
Information desk clerk:    — You can go by shuttle bus if you like. Our buses run hourly.
You:    — ...
Information desk clerk:    — It´ll be leaving in 15 minutes. Would you like a ticket?
You:    — ...


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