A new language, a new life
/ Learning English

Restaurant English: Fast food


Counter Help:    — May I help you, ma´am?
Mrs Ryefield:    — Yes, I´d like a Big Mac, a Fish Mac, three large French fries and three regular cokes, please.
Counter Help:    — Is that all?
Mrs Ryefield:    — Yes, that´s it.
Counter Help:    — That´ll be 6.80, please. Will that be for here or to go, ma´am?
Mrs Ryefield:    — To eat here, please.
Counter Help:    — Out of seven. Thank you.

Role-play exercise

Counter Help:    — May I help you, ma´am?
You:    — ...
Counter Help:    — Is that all?
You:    — ...
Counter Help:    — That´ll be 6.80, please. Will that be for here or to go, ma´am?
You:    — ...
Counter Help:    — Out of seven. Thank you.


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