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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A month in the Revolutionary calendarplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting time and temporal relations

Hypernyms ("Revolutionary calendar month" is a kind of...):

calendar month; month (one of the twelve divisions of the calendar year)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Revolutionary calendar month"):

Vendemiaire (first month of the Revolutionary calendar (September and October); the month of the grape harvest)

Brumaire (second month of the Revolutionary calendar (October and November); the month of mist)

Frimaire (third month of the Revolutionary calendar (November and December); the frosty month)

Nivose (fourth month of the Revolutionary calendar (December and January); the snowy month)

Pluviose (fifth month of the Revolutionary calendar (January and February); the rainy month)

Ventose (sixth month of the Revolutionary calendar (February and March); the windy month)

Germinal (seventh month of the Revolutionary calendar (March and April); the month of buds)

Floreal (eighth month of the Revolutionary calendar (April and May); the month of flowers)

Prairial (ninth month of the Revolutionary calendar (May and June); the month of meadows)

Messidor (tenth month of the Revolutionary calendar (June and July); the month of harvest)

Thermidor (eleventh month of the Revolutionary calendar (July and August); the month of heat)

Fructidor (twelfth month of the Revolutionary calendar (August and September); the month of fruit)

Holonyms ("Revolutionary calendar month" is a part of...):

Revolutionary calendar (the calendar adopted by the first French Republic in 1793 and abandoned in 1805; dates were calculated from Sept. 22, 1792)



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