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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Any of various plants of the genus Saxifragaplay


breakstone; rockfoil; saxifrage

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("rockfoil" is a kind of...):

herb; herbaceous plant (a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "rockfoil"):

Saxifraga aizoides; yellow mountain saxifrage (tufted evergreen perennial having ciliate leaves and yellow corymbose flowers often spotted orange)

fair-maids-of-France; meadow saxifrage; Saxifraga granulata (rosette-forming perennial having compact panicles of white flowers; Europe)

mossy saxifrage; Saxifraga hypnoides (tufted or mat-forming perennial of mountains of Europe; cultivated for its white flowers)

Saxifraga occidentalis; western saxifrage (saxifrage having loose clusters of white flowers on hairy stems growing from a cluster of basal leaves; moist slopes of western North America)

purple saxifrage; Saxifraga oppositifolia (plants forming dense cushions with bright reddish-lavender flowers; rocky areas of Europe and Asia and western North America)

Saxifraga stellaris; star saxifrage; starry saxifrage (small often mat-forming alpine plant having small starlike white flowers; Europe)

mother-of-thousands; Saxifraga sarmentosam; Saxifraga stolonifera; strawberry geranium; strawberry saxifrage (eastern Asiatic saxifrage with racemes of small red-and-white flowers; spreads by numerous creeping stolons)

Holonyms ("rockfoil" is a member of...):

genus Saxifraga; Saxifraga (type genus of the Saxifragaceae; large genus of usually perennial herbs of Arctic and cool regions of northern hemisphere: saxifrage)



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