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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


The normal temperature of room in which people liveplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting attributes of people and objects

Hypernyms ("room temperature" is a kind of...):

temperature (the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment (corresponding to its molecular activity))


 Context examples: 

An element with atomic symbol Hg, atomic number 80, and atomic weight 200.59; a heavy, silvery-white metal, liquid at room temperature, a rather poor conductor of heat and a fair conductor of electricity.

(Mercury, NCI Thesaurus)

A rare silvery (usually trivalent) metallic element; brittle at low temperatures but liquid above room temperature; occurs in trace amounts in bauxite and zinc ores.

(Gallium, NCI Thesaurus)

Freeze-dried berry powder will absorb moisture from the premix base, improving its stability and texture to the point where the frozen dessert will keep its shape even after melting to room temperature.

(Freeze-Dried Strawberries and Ice Cream Make for a Very Stable Relationship, Agricultural Research Service)

Designed as a fluid at room temperature that solidifies at body temperature, these new biomaterials form a stable, porous scaffold when injected that rapidly integrates into the surrounding tissue with minimal inflammation and promotes the formation of blood vessels.

(Biomaterial Artificial Protein Helps Heal Tissue, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

The thermosensitive triblock copolymer component of this formulation transforms from a water-soluble polymer at room temperature to a water-insoluble, biodegradable gel depot at body temperature; intratumoral controlled-release of paclitaxel from the gel minimizes systemic exposure to paclitaxel and the paclitaxel toxicity profile.

(PGLA/PEG Copolymer-Based Paclitaxel, NCI Thesaurus)

The organic compounds constituting the esters of glycerol and fatty acids and their associated organic groups that are produced by a plant, or any of its component parts, that are generally slippery, combustible, liquid or liquefiable at room temperatures, soluble in various organic solvents such as ether but not in water.

(Plant Oil, Food and Drug Administration)

Freeze-dried strawberry powder is so effective a stabilizer that frozen dairy desserts with it included will maintain their shape even after reaching room temperature, according to Agricultural Research Service (ARS) research food technologist Cristina Bilbao-Sainz with the Healthy Processed Foods Research Unit in Albany, California.

(Freeze-Dried Strawberries and Ice Cream Make for a Very Stable Relationship, Agricultural Research Service)


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