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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Plants that are variously modified to serve as insect traps: families Sarraceniaceae; Nepenthaceae; Droseraceaeplay


order Sarraceniales; Sarraceniales

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("Sarraceniales" is a kind of...):

plant order (the order of plants)

Meronyms (members of "Sarraceniales"):

family Sarraceniaceae; pitcher-plant family; Sarraceniaceae (insectivorous plants)

pitcher plant (any of several insectivorous herbs of the order Sarraceniales)

family Nepenthaceae; Nepenthaceae (coextensive with the genus Nepenthes)

Droseraceae; family Droseraceae; sundew family (a family of carnivorous herbs and shrubs)

family Roridulaceae; Roridulaceae (in some classifications included in the family Droseraceae)

Holonyms ("Sarraceniales" is a member of...):

class Dicotyledonae; class Dicotyledones; class Magnoliopsida; Dicotyledonae; Dicotyledones; Magnoliopsida (comprising seed plants that produce an embryo with paired cotyledons and net-veined leaves; divided into six (not always well distinguished) subclasses (or superorders): Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae (considered primitive); Caryophyllidae (an early and distinctive offshoot); and three more or less advanced groups: Dilleniidae; Rosidae; Asteridae)



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