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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A radio receiver that moves automatically across some selected range of frequencies looking for some signal or conditionplay


they used scanners to monitor police radio channels


electronic scanner; scanner

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects

Hypernyms ("scanner" is a kind of...):

detector (electronic equipment that detects the presence of radio signals or radioactivity)


scan (make a wide, sweeping search of)

Sense 2


A radar dish that rotates or oscillates in order to scan a broad areaplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects

Hypernyms ("scanner" is a kind of...):

dish; dish aerial; dish antenna; saucer (directional antenna consisting of a parabolic reflector for microwave or radio frequency radiation)


scan (make a wide, sweeping search of)

Sense 3


An electronic device that generates a digital representation of an image for data input to a computerplay


digital scanner; image scanner; scanner

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects

Hypernyms ("scanner" is a kind of...):

data input device; input device (a device that can be used to insert data into a computer or other computational device)

electronic device (a device that accomplishes its purpose electronically)


scan (move a light beam over; in electronics, to reproduce an image)

Sense 4


Someone who scans verse to determine the number and prosodic value of the syllablesplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting people

Hypernyms ("scanner" is a kind of...):

reader; referee; reviewer (someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication)


scan (read metrically)


 Context examples: 

Neuroendocrine tumor cells take up the radioactive MIBG and are detected by a scanner.

(MIBG scan, NCI Dictionary)

The antibody would bind to a specific target – a metastatic melanoma cell, for example – while the gadolinium would increase the magnetic signal detected by the MRI scanner.

(Imaging Contrast Agent, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

When radioactive material is used to examine the thyroid with a scanner, nodules that collect less radioactive material than the surrounding thyroid tissue are considered "cold."

(Cold nodule, NCI Dictionary)

The radioactive material collects in the bones and is detected by a scanner (a special camera that takes pictures of the inside of the body).

(Bone scan, NCI Dictionary)

The distance along the body axis which can be imaged at one bed position by the scanner's detector geometry.

(Axial Field of View, NCI Thesaurus)

Adjustment for the effect of tissue thicknesses through which gamma's travel from an activity concentration origin to the scanner's detectors.

(Attenuation Correction, NCI Thesaurus)

Dr. Latour’s team imaged the brain with a more powerful MRI scanner and conducted detailed histological analysis, allowing the pathology underlying the traumatic microbleeds to be better described.

(Microbleeds may worsen outcome after head injury, National Institutes of Health)

A scanner and a computer are used to make detailed pictures of areas inside the body where the carbon-11 choline collects.

(carbon-11 choline PET-CT scan, NCI Dictionary)

A scanner and a computer are used to make detailed pictures of areas inside the body where the C-11 choline collects.

(C-11 choline PET-CT scan, NCI Dictionary)

A PET scanner is used to detect which cells in the body have taken up C-11 choline.

(C-11 choline, NCI Dictionary)


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