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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Any support where you can sit (especially the part of a chair or bench etc. on which you sit)play


he dusted off the seat before sitting down

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects

Hypernyms ("seat" is a kind of...):

support (any device that bears the weight of another thing)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "seat"):

sliding seat (rower's seat that slides fore and aft)

saddle seat (a chair seat that is slightly concave and sometimes has a thickened ridge in the center)

saddle (a seat for the rider of a horse or other animal)

rumble seat (a folding outside seat in the back of some early cars)

rumble (a servant's seat (or luggage compartment) in the rear of a carriage)

plane seat (a seat on a commercial airliner)

pillion (a seat behind the rider of a horse or motorbike etc.)

jump seat (a folding seat in an automobile)

houdah; howdah (a (usually canopied) seat for riding on the back of a camel or elephant)

front bench (any of the front seats in the House of Commons that are reserved for ministers or former ministers)

capsule; ejection seat; ejector seat (a pilot's seat in an airplane that can be forcibly ejected in the case of an emergency; then the pilot descends by parachute)

crossbench (any of the seats in the House of Commons used by members who do not vote regularly with either the government or the Opposition)

cockpit (seat where the driver sits while driving a racing car)

chair (a particular seat in an orchestra)

car seat (a seat in a car)

bucket seat (a low single seat as in cars or planes)

boatswain's chair; bosun's chair (a seat consisting of a board and a rope; used while working aloft or over the side of a ship)

bicycle seat; saddle (a seat for the rider of a bicycle)

balloon seat; bell seat (a seat that has a bell shape (on some 18th century chairs))

backseat (a seat at the back of a vehicle (especially the seat at the back of an automobile))

backbench (any of the seats occupied by backbenchers in the House of Commons)

Holonyms ("seat" is a part of...):

seat (furniture that is designed for sitting on)


seat (show to a seat; assign a seat for)

seat (provide with seats)

Sense 2


Furniture that is designed for sitting onplay


there were not enough seats for all the guests

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects

Hypernyms ("seat" is a kind of...):

article of furniture; furniture; piece of furniture (furnishings that make a room or other area ready for occupancy)

Meronyms (parts of "seat"):

seat (any support where you can sit (especially the part of a chair or bench etc. on which you sit))

upholstery (covering (padding and springs and webbing and fabric) on a piece of furniture)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "seat"):

toilet seat (the hinged seat on a toilet)

stool (a simple seat without a back or arms)

couch; lounge; sofa (an upholstered seat for more than one person)

hassock; ottoman; pouf; pouffe; puff (thick cushion used as a seat)

chair (a seat for one person, with a support for the back)

box seat (a special seat in a theater or grandstand box)

box; box seat (the driver's seat on a coach)

bench ((law) the seat for judges in a courtroom)

bench (a long seat for more than one person)

Instance hyponyms:

Siege Perilous (the legendary seat at King Arthur's Round Table reserved for the knight who would find the Holy Grail; it was fatal for anyone else to sit in it)

Holonyms ("seat" is a member of...):

seating; seating area; seating room; seats (an area that includes places where several people can sit)


seat (show to a seat; assign a seat for)

seat (provide with seats)

seat (put a seat on a chair)

seat (be able to seat)

Sense 3


The cloth covering for the buttocksplay


the seat of his pants was worn through

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects

Hypernyms ("seat" is a kind of...):

cloth covering (a covering made of cloth)

Holonyms ("seat" is a part of...):

skirt (cloth covering that forms the part of a garment below the waist)

pair of trousers; pant; trousers ((usually in the plural) a garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately)

Sense 4


A part of a machine that supports or guides another partplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects

Hypernyms ("seat" is a kind of...):

part; portion (something less than the whole of a human artifact)

Sense 5


The legal right to sit as a member in a legislative or similar bodyplay


he was elected to a seat in the Senate

Classified under:

Nouns denoting attributes of people and objects

Hypernyms ("seat" is a kind of...):

legal right (a right based in law)

Sense 6


The fleshy part of the human body that you sit onplay


are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?


arse; ass; backside; behind; bottom; bum; buns; butt; buttocks; can; derriere; fanny; fundament; hind end; hindquarters; keister; nates; posterior; prat; rear; rear end; rump; seat; stern; tail; tail end; tooshie; tush

Classified under:

Nouns denoting body parts

Hypernyms ("seat" is a kind of...):

body part (any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity)

Holonyms ("seat" is a part of...):

body; torso; trunk (the body excluding the head and neck and limbs)

Sense 7


The location (metaphorically speaking) where something is basedplay


the brain is said to be the seat of reason

Classified under:

Nouns denoting spatial position

Hypernyms ("seat" is a kind of...):

location (a point or extent in space)

Sense 8


A space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane)play


he sat in someone else's place


place; seat

Classified under:

Nouns denoting spatial position

Hypernyms ("seat" is a kind of...):

space (an area reserved for some particular purpose)

Domain category:

dramatic art; dramatics; dramaturgy; theater; theatre (the art of writing and producing plays)

aeroplane; airplane; plane (an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "seat"):

perch (an elevated place serving as a seat)


seat (show to a seat; assign a seat for)

seat (provide with seats)

seat (put a seat on a chair)

seat (be able to seat)

Sense 9


A center of authority (as a city from which authority is exercised)play

Classified under:

Nouns denoting spatial position

Hypernyms ("seat" is a kind of...):

center; centre; eye; heart; middle (an area that is approximately central within some larger region)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "seat"):

capital (a seat of government)

county courthouse; county seat (the town or city that is the seat of government for a county)

county town; shire town (the town or city that is the seat of government for a shire)

see (the seat within a bishop's diocese where his cathedral is located)


seat (place ceremoniously or formally in an office or position)

 II. (verb) 

Verb forms

Present simple: I / you / we / they seat  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation ... he / she / it seats  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

Past simple: seated  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

Past participle: seated  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

-ing form: seating  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

Sense 1


Show to a seat; assign a seat forplay


The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith


seat; sit; sit down

Classified under:

Verbs of touching, hitting, tying, digging

Hypernyms (to "seat" is one way to...):

lay; place; pose; position; put; set (put into a certain place or abstract location)


sit; sit down (be seated)

Verb group:

sit; sit down (be seated)

Troponyms (each of the following is one way to "seat"):

reseat (show to a different seat)

Sentence frames:

Somebody ----s somebody
Somebody ----s somebody PP


seating (the service of ushering people to their seats)

seat (a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane))

seat (furniture that is designed for sitting on)

seat (any support where you can sit (especially the part of a chair or bench etc. on which you sit))

Sense 2


Place in or on a seatplay


the mother seated the toddler on the high chair

Classified under:

Verbs of touching, hitting, tying, digging

Hypernyms (to "seat" is one way to...):

lay; place; pose; position; put; set (put into a certain place or abstract location)


sit; sit down (be seated)

Sentence frames:

Somebody ----s somebody
Somebody ----s somebody PP

Sense 3


Place or attach firmly in or on a baseplay


seat the camera on the tripod

Classified under:

Verbs of touching, hitting, tying, digging

Hypernyms (to "seat" is one way to...):

lay; place; pose; position; put; set (put into a certain place or abstract location)

Sentence frame:

Somebody ----s something PP

Sense 4


Provide with seatsplay


seat a concert hall

Classified under:

Verbs of buying, selling, owning

Hypernyms (to "seat" is one way to...):

furnish; provide; render; supply (give something useful or necessary to)

Domain category:

architecture (the profession of designing buildings and environments with consideration for their esthetic effect)

Troponyms (each of the following is one way to "seat"):

reseat (provide with new seats)

Sentence frame:

Somebody ----s something


seat (any support where you can sit (especially the part of a chair or bench etc. on which you sit))

seat (furniture that is designed for sitting on)

seat (a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane))

Sense 5


Put a seat on a chairplay

Classified under:

Verbs of buying, selling, owning

Hypernyms (to "seat" is one way to...):

furnish; provide; render; supply (give something useful or necessary to)

Domain category:

cabinetry; cabinetwork (the craft of making furniture (especially furniture of high quality))

Troponyms (each of the following is one way to "seat"):

reseat (provide with a new seat)

Sentence frame:

Somebody ----s something


seat (furniture that is designed for sitting on)

seat (a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane))

Sense 6


Place ceremoniously or formally in an office or positionplay


there was a ceremony to induct the president of the Academy


induct; invest; seat

Classified under:

Verbs of political and social activities and events

Hypernyms (to "seat" is one way to...):

instal; install (put into an office or a position)

Sentence frames:

Somebody ----s somebody
Somebody ----s somebody PP


seat (a center of authority (as a city from which authority is exercised))

Sense 7


Be able to seatplay


The theater seats 2,000

Classified under:

Verbs of being, having, spatial relations

Hypernyms (to "seat" is one way to...):

accommodate; admit; hold (have room for; hold without crowding)

Sentence frame:

Something ----s something


seat (furniture that is designed for sitting on)

seat (a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane))

seating (an area that includes places where several people can sit)


 Context examples: 

“Take a seat, and here is a glass of wine for you,” said the lawyer.

(The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, by Robert Louis Stevenson)

“That should be helpful, Watson,” he remarked as we took our seats in the Woolwich train.

(His Last Bow, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

We accordingly rested on a seat until they should return.

(Frankenstein, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)

The front seat of a car, forward cars of a train, upper deck on a boat or wing seats in a plane may give you a smoother ride.

(Motion Sickness, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

A question about whether an individual has or had difficulty standing from a seated position or walking up stairs.

(Have Difficulty Standing from a Seated Position or Walking Up Stairs, NCI Thesaurus)

“Jim,” said Dr. Livesey, “take a seat.”

(Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson)

When I got almost to the top I could see the seat and the white figure, for I was now close enough to distinguish it even through the spells of shadow.

(Dracula, by Bram Stoker)

“Get the cards, Hump,” Wolf Larsen ordered, as they took seats at the table.

(The Sea-Wolf, by Jack London)

“Let me see,” said Holmes, seating himself on Staunton’s bed.

(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Yesterday morning I was seated in my office at the bank when a card was brought in to me by one of the clerks.

(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)


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