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The assemblage of physical properties or qualities by which male is distinguished from female; the physical difference between male and female; the distinguishing peculiarity of male or female. (NCI Thesaurus)

A fluorinated isopropyl ether with general anesthetic property. Although the mechanism of action has not been fully elucidated, sevoflurane may act by…

A scale that defines the degree or state of disease existing in a patient as a result of the occurrence of an…

The intensity of a specific adverse event evaluated based on the magnitude of clinical signs, symptoms and findings. Severe adverse event may…

A coded value specifying the intensity of an event.

Used of the degree of something undesirable e.g. pain or weather; also, strictness.

Severely less than normal amount of blood that is forced from the heart ventricle to produce cardiac output. Quantitatively, the ejection fraction…