A new language, a new life
/ Learning English

Shopping English: Returns and Refunds

Role-Play Exercise 1

You:    — ...
Baker:    — The whole-wheat loaf is 45 cents, the white loaves are 35 cents each, the baguette is 27 cents and the rolls are eight cents each. That makes two dollars fifty-seven cents.
You:    — ...
Baker:    — Thank you, ma´am. Forty-three cents change. Have a nice day.


Role-Play Exercise 2

Sales clerk:    — It´s a good quality sweatsuit. 100% cotton, made in Canada.
You:    — ...
Sales clerk:    — Fifty-six ninety-nine.
You:    — ...
Sales clerk:    — Fifty-six dollars and ninety-nine cents, ma´am.


Role-Play Exercise 3

Sales assistant:    — May I help you, sir?
You:    — ...
Sales assistant:    — Which brand do you prefer?
You:    — ...
Sales assistant:    — Will that be 100 ASA or 200 ASA?
You:    — ...


Role-Play Exercise 4

Sales clerk:    — Good afternoon, can I help you?
You:    — ...
Sales clerk:    — Sure. What´s wrong with it, ma´am?
You:    — ...
Sales clerk:    — I´m sorry. Sure I can change it for a new one. Do you have your receipt?
You:    — ...


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