A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (adverb) 

Sense 1


Without advance preparationplay


he spoke ad lib


ad lib; ad libitum; impromptu; spontaneously

Classified under:


Sense 2


In a spontaneous mannerplay


this shift occurs spontaneously

Classified under:



spontaneous (happening or arising without apparent external cause)


 Context examples: 

It is elevated and does not extend beyond the original boundaries of the wound; the elevation may stabilize or regress spontaneously.

(Hypertrophic Scar, NCI Thesaurus)

This is usually associated with CRANIOCEREBRAL TRAUMA (e.g., SKULL FRACTURE involving the TEMPORAL BONE), NEUROSURGICAL PROCEDURES, or other conditions, but may rarely occur spontaneously. (From Am J Otol 1995 Nov;16(6):765-71)

(Cerebrospinal Fluid Otorrhea, NLM, Medical Subject Headings)

A transplantable melanoma that arose spontaneously in a mouse of DBA strain, and which grows and metastasizes in mice of related strains.

(Cloudman S91 Malignant Melanoma, NCI Thesaurus)

A capillary hemangioma that may regress spontaneously.

(Infantile Hemangioma, NCI Thesaurus)

A rare genetic neoplastic disorder with an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance characterized by multiple, recurrent skin cancers that spontaneously resolve.

(Multiple Self Healing Epithelioma of Ferguson-Smith, NCI Thesaurus)

It often regresses either spontaneously or after reduction in immunosuppression.

(Plasmacytic Hyperplasia Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder, NCI Thesaurus)

About half the animals die within a week of onset, and in survivors hepatocellular carcinoma spontaneously appears after 1-1.5 years (Kasai et al 1990,Sasaki 1985, Wirth et al 1990).

(LEC, Rat Strain, NCI Thesaurus)

In adults occlusion may occur spontaneously or after injury or nasal disease.

(Lacrimal Duct Obstruction, NLM, Medical Subject Headings)

In a minority of cases, the necrosis appears spontaneously.

(Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis, NCI Thesaurus)

Keratoacanthomas affect males more frequently than females and the majority tend to regress spontaneously.

(Keratoacanthoma, NCI Thesaurus)


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