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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A facility equipped with special equipment and personnel for a particular purposeplay


the train pulled into the station

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects

Hypernyms ("station" is a kind of...):

facility; installation (a building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "station"):

broadcast station; broadcasting station (a station equipped to broadcast radio or television programs)

fire station; firehouse (a station housing fire apparatus and firemen)

first-aid station (a station providing emergency care or treatment before regular medical aid can be obtained)

observation station (a station set up for making observations of something)

police headquarters; police station; station house (a station that serves as headquarters for police in a particular district; serves as a place from which policemen are dispatched and to which arrested persons are brought)

power plant; power station; powerhouse (an electrical generating station)

service station (a station where gasoline and oil are sold and facilities are available for repairing or maintaining automobiles)

substation (a subsidiary station where electricity is transformed for distribution by a low-voltage network)

depot; terminal; terminus (station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods)

Sense 2


The frequency assigned to a broadcasting stationplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting attributes of people and objects

Hypernyms ("station" is a kind of...):

radio frequency (an electromagnetic wave frequency between audio and infrared)

Sense 3


The position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to standplay


a sentry station


post; station

Classified under:

Nouns denoting spatial position

Hypernyms ("station" is a kind of...):

place; position (the particular portion of space occupied by something)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "station"):

bridgehead (a defensive post at the end of a bridge nearest to the enemy)

lookout; observation post (an elevated post affording a wide view)

outpost; outstation (a station in a remote or sparsely populated location)


station (assign to a station)

Sense 4


(nautical) the location to which a ship or fleet is assigned for dutyplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting spatial position

Hypernyms ("station" is a kind of...):

place; position (the particular portion of space occupied by something)

Domain category:

naval forces; navy (an organization of military vessels belonging to a country and available for sea warfare)


station (assign to a station)

Sense 5


Proper or designated social situationplay


married above her station


place; station

Classified under:

Nouns denoting stable states of affairs

Hypernyms ("station" is a kind of...):

rank; social rank; social station; social status (position in a social hierarchy)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "station"):

niche (a position particularly well suited to the person who occupies it)

 II. (verb) 

Verb forms

Present simple: I / you / we / they station  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation ... he / she / it stations  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

Past simple: stationed  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

Past participle: stationed  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

-ing form: stationing  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

Sense 1


Assign to a stationplay


place; post; send; station

Classified under:

Verbs of fighting, athletic activities

Hypernyms (to "station" is one way to...):

displace; move (cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense)

Troponyms (each of the following is one way to "station"):

garrison (station (troops) in a fort or garrison)

fort (station (troops) in a fort)

locate; place; site (assign a location to)

Sentence frame:

Somebody ----s somebody PP


station (the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand)

station ((nautical) the location to which a ship or fleet is assigned for duty)


 Context examples: 

The ticket would have shown which station was nearest the agent’s house.

(His Last Bow, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

There might be a nurses' station on each floor.

(Nursing Homes, NIH: National Institute on Aging)

A usually short communication transmitted by words, signals, or other means from one person, station, or group to another.

(Message, NCI Thesaurus)

We give you ten minutes to get to your stations.

(The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, by Robert Louis Stevenson)

He then returned to his former station, and went on as if there had been no such tender interruption.

(Mansfield Park, by Jane Austen)

The Miss Steeles kept their station at the park, and were to quit it only with the rest of the family.

(Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen)

The Mediterranean is not the station for it, Anson.

(Rodney Stone, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

I would come with you, but sooth to say I am stationed here and may not move.

(The White Company, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Satellites orbiting Mars are essential in helping scientists determine the best places for building the first Martian research station.

(NASA's Treasure Map for Water Ice on Mars, NASA)

The period during the first stage of labor and childbirth involved with cervical dilatation, effacement, and fetal station.

(Active Phase of Labor, NCI Thesaurus)


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