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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


All mammals except monotremes and marsupialsplay


Eutheria; subclass Eutheria

Classified under:

Nouns denoting animals

Hypernyms ("subclass Eutheria" is a kind of...):

class ((biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders)

Meronyms (members of "subclass Eutheria"):

Ailuropodidae; family Ailuropodidae (in some classifications considered the family comprising the giant pandas)

order Proboscidea; Proboscidea (an order of animals including elephants and mammoths)

Dermoptera; order Dermoptera (flying lemurs)

order Scandentia; Scandentia (a small order comprising only the tree shrews: in some classifications tree shrews are considered either primates (and included in the suborder Prosimii) or true insectivores (and included in the order Insectivora))

order Primates; Primates (an animal order including lemurs and tarsiers and monkeys and apes and human beings)

order Pholidota; Pholidota (pangolins; in some former classifications included in the order Edentata)

Edentata; order Edentata (order of mammals having few or no teeth including: New World anteaters; sloths; armadillos)

Artiodactyla; order Artiodactyla (an order of hooved mammals of the subclass Eutheria (including pigs and peccaries and hippopotami and members of the suborder Ruminantia) having an even number of functional toes)

order Perissodactyla; Perissodactyla (nonruminant ungulates: horses; tapirs; rhinoceros; extinct forms)

Hyracoidea; order Hyracoidea (hyraxes and some extinct animals)

order Rodentia; Rodentia (small gnawing animals: porcupines; rats; mice; squirrels; marmots; beavers; gophers; voles; hamsters; guinea pigs; agoutis)

Lagomorpha; order Lagomorpha (rabbits; hares; pikas; formerly considered the suborder Duplicidentata of the order Rodentia)

Chiroptera; order Chiroptera (an old order dating to early Eocene: bats: suborder Megachiroptera (fruit bats); suborder Microchiroptera (insectivorous bats))

order Tubulidentata; Tubulidentata (an order of Eutheria)

Fissipedia (in some classifications considered a suborder of Carnivora)

Carnivora; order Carnivora (cats; lions; tigers; panthers; dogs; wolves; jackals; bears; raccoons; skunks; and members of the suborder Pinnipedia)

order Sirenia; Sirenia (an animal order including: manatees; dugongs; Steller's sea cow)

Cetacea; order Cetacea (an order of Eutheria)

Insectivora; order Insectivora (shrews; moles; hedgehogs; tenrecs)

eutherian; eutherian mammal; placental; placental mammal (mammals having a placenta; all mammals except monotremes and marsupials)

Holonyms ("subclass Eutheria" is a member of...):

class Mammalia; Mammalia (warm-blooded vertebrates characterized by mammary glands in the female)



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