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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Alternative name used in some classification systems for the family Mimosaceaeplay


Mimosoideae; subfamily Mimosoideae

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("subfamily Mimosoideae" is a kind of...):

rosid dicot family (a family of dicotyledonous plants)

Meronyms (members of "subfamily Mimosoideae"):

genus Mimosa (genus of spiny woody shrubs or trees; named for their apparent imitation of animal sensitivity to light and heat and movement)

genus Acacia (large genus of shrubs and trees and some woody vines of Central and South America, Africa, Australia and Polynesia: wattle; mimosa)

Adenanthera; genus Adenanthera (small genus of trees of tropical Asia and Pacific areas)

genus Albizia; genus Albizzia (large genus of unarmed trees and shrubs of Old World tropics)

Anadenanthera; genus Anadenanthera (2 species of tropical American shrubs or trees)

genus Calliandra (genus of pinnate-leaved shrubs and small trees of tropical and subtropical North and South America and India and West Africa)

Enterolobium; genus Enterolobium (small genus of tropical American timber trees closely allied to genus Albizia)

genus Inga (genus of tropical trees or shrubs)

genus Leucaena; Leucaena (small genus of tropical evergreen trees or shrubs having pods like those of the acacia)

genus Lysiloma; Lysiloma (small genus of tropical American trees and shrubs with pinnate leaves and flat straight pods)

genus Parkia; Parkia (genus of tropical Old World trees: nitta trees)

genus Piptadenia; Piptadenia (tropical American trees and shrubs; often placed in other genera)

genus Pithecellobium; genus Pithecolobium; Pithecellobium; Pithecolobium (thorny shrubs and trees of tropical and subtropical America and Asia)

genus Prosopis; Prosopis (genus of tropical or subtropical branching shrubs or trees: mesquite)

Holonyms ("subfamily Mimosoideae" is a member of...):

Fabaceae; family Fabaceae; family Leguminosae; legume family; Leguminosae; pea family (a large family of trees, shrubs, vines, and herbs bearing bean pods; divided for convenience into the subfamilies Caesalpiniaceae; Mimosaceae; Papilionaceae)



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