A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (adjective) 

Sense 1


Growing or remaining under waterplay


submerged leaves


subaquatic; subaqueous; submerged; submersed; underwater

Classified under:



aquatic (operating or living or growing in water)

Domain category:

biological science; biology (the science that studies living organisms)

Sense 2


Beneath the surface of the waterplay


submerged rocks


submerged; submersed; underwater

Classified under:



subsurface (beneath the surface)

 II. (verb) 

Sense 1

Past simple / past participle of the verb submerge


 Context examples: 

Then—oh! how shall one describe what took place then—when the full exuberance of the majority and the full reaction of the minority united to make one great wave of enthusiasm, which rolled from the back of the hall, gathering volume as it came, swept over the orchestra, submerged the platform, and carried the four heroes away upon its crest?

(The Lost World, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

At a particularly bad spot, where a ledge of barely submerged rocks jutted out into the river, Hans cast off the rope, and, while Thornton poled the boat out into the stream, ran down the bank with the end in his hand to snub the boat when it had cleared the ledge.

(The Call of the Wild, by Jack London)

It is widely accepted that humans first made their way to the Americas from Siberia into Alaska via a land bridge spanning the Bering Strait which was submerged at the end of the last Ice Age.

(DNA from 31,000-year-old milk teeth leads to discovery of new group of ancient Siberians, University of Cambridge)

To conduct the research, containers were filled with varying ratios of rocks and organic material - consisting of deciduous and coniferous litter from nearby forests - and submerged in the shallow waters of the two lakes.

(Climate change could double greenhouse gas emissions from freshwater ecosystems, University of Cambridge)

One gleam of light lifted into relief a half-submerged mast, on which sat a cormorant, dark and large, with wings flecked with foam; its beak held a gold bracelet set with gems, that I had touched with as brilliant tints as my palette could yield, and as glittering distinctness as my pencil could impart.

(Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë)

After a nine-week voyage to study the lost, submerged continent of Zealandia in the South Pacific, a team of 32 scientists from 12 countries has arrived in Hobart, Tasmania, aboard the research vessel JOIDES Resolution.

(Scientists return from expedition to lost continent of Zealandia, National Science Foundation)

Mars will sometimes stir the pot in an effort to clear the air of any submerged feelings of frustration that may have festered.

(AstrologyZone.com, by Susan Miller)

My incredulity was submerged in fascination now; it was like skimming hastily through a dozen magazines.

(The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald)

Well, it's a fine book, and everybody ought to read it. The idea is if we don't look out the white race will be—will be utterly submerged. It's all scientific stuff; it's been proved.

(The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald)


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