A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


The act of submitting; usually surrendering power to anotherplay


compliance; submission

Classified under:

Nouns denoting acts or actions

Hypernyms ("submission" is a kind of...):

group action (action taken by a group of people)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "submission"):

obedience; obeisance (the act of obeying; dutiful or submissive behavior with respect to another person)

prostration (abject submission; the emotional equivalent of prostrating your body)


submit (accept or undergo, often unwillingly)

submit (yield to another's wish or opinion)

submit (yield to the control of another)

Sense 2


(law) a contention presented by a lawyer to a judge or jury as part of the case he is arguingplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents

Hypernyms ("submission" is a kind of...):

contention (a point asserted as part of an argument)

Domain category:

jurisprudence; law (the collection of rules imposed by authority)


submit (put before)

Sense 3


An agreement between parties in a dispute to abide by the decision of an arbiterplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents

Hypernyms ("submission" is a kind of...):

agreement; understanding (the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises)

Sense 4


A legal document summarizing an agreement between parties in a dispute to abide by the decision of an arbiterplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents

Hypernyms ("submission" is a kind of...):

written agreement (a legal document summarizing the agreement between parties)

Sense 5


Something (manuscripts or architectural plans and models or estimates or works of art of all genres etc.) submitted for the judgment of others (as in a competition)play


what was the date of submission of your proposal?


entry; submission

Classified under:

Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents

Hypernyms ("submission" is a kind of...):

content; message; subject matter; substance (what a communication that is about something is about)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "submission"):

filing (the entering of a legal document into the public record)


submit (refer for judgment or consideration)

Sense 6


The feeling of patient, submissive humblenessplay


meekness; submission

Classified under:

Nouns denoting feelings and emotions

Hypernyms ("submission" is a kind of...):

humbleness; humility (a humble feeling)

Sense 7


The condition of having submitted to control by someone or something elseplay


his submission to the will of God

Classified under:

Nouns denoting stable states of affairs

Hypernyms ("submission" is a kind of...):

condition; status (a state at a particular time)


submit (yield to another's wish or opinion)

submit (yield to the control of another)


 Context examples: 

A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to physical exam.

(Physical Exam Domain, NCI Thesaurus)

“Nay, nay, he makes submission!” broke in several squires.

(The White Company, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to pharmacokinetic concentration.

(Pharmacokinetic Concentration Domain, NCI Thesaurus)

A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to pharmacogenomics.

(Pharmacogenomics Domain, NCI Thesaurus)

Successfully captures the majority of trial data within hours of submission.

(Clinical Data Update System, NCI Thesaurus)

A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to clinical events.

(Clinical Events Domain, NCI Thesaurus)

A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to comments.

(Comment Domain, NCI Thesaurus)

A subject domain utilized for the submission of information encompassing and representing data, vocabulary or records related to biopsy.

(Biopsy Domain, NCI Thesaurus)

I know of no submission that IS proper for me to make.

(Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen)

Every feeling was offended; and the forbearance of her outward submission left a heavy arrear due of secret severity in her reflections on the unmanageable goodwill of Mr. Weston's temper.

(Emma, by Jane Austen)


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