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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (adjective) 

Sense 1


Beneath the surfaceplay


subsurface materials of the moon

Classified under:



belowground; underground (under the level of the ground)

submarine; undersea (beneath the surface of the sea)

submerged; submersed; underwater (beneath the surface of the water)

subterranean; subterraneous (being or operating under the surface of the earth)


overhead (located or originating from above)

surface (on the surface)


 Context examples: 

"It's important to understand what is going on in the subsurface layer," says geoscientist Cliff Riebe.

(Study explores how rock expands near soil surface in Sierra Nevada, National Science Foundation)

The research team used both satellite images and subsurface gliders to study the water.

(Scientists report skyrocketing phyotplankton population in aftermath of Kīlauea eruption, Wikinews)

NASA laboratory experiments suggest the dark material coating some geological features of Jupiter's moon Europa is likely sea salt from a subsurface ocean, discolored by exposure to radiation.

(NASA Research Reveals Europa's Mystery Dark Material Could Be Sea Salt, NASA)

Scientists say it's likely a shallow subsurface flow, with enough water wicking to the surface to explain the darkening.

(NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today's Mars, NASA)

The evolution of surface and shallow subsurface meltwater across Antarctic ice shelves has important implications for their stability, said program director Paul Cutler in NSF's Office of Polar Programs.

(Reframing the dangers Antarctica's meltwater ponds pose to ice shelves and sea level, National Science Foundation)

If plumes are indeed spewing vapor from Europa's ocean or subsurface lakes, Europa Clipper could sample the frozen liquid and dust particles.

(Old Data Reveal New Evidence of Europa Plumes, NASA)

The team says Proxima b could be an ocean planet, with an ocean covering its entire surface, the water perhaps similar to that of subsurface oceans detected inside icy moons around Jupiter and Saturn.

(Planet Orbiting Nearest Star Could be Habitable, NASA)

Powerful hydrothermal vents mix up material from the moon's water-filled, porous core with water from the moon's massive subsurface ocean - and it is released into space, in the form of water vapor and ice grains.

(Complex Organics Bubble up from Enceladus, NASA)

Cassini is ending its 13-year tour of the Saturn system with an intentional plunge into the planet to ensure Saturn's moons - in particular Enceladus, with its subsurface ocean and signs of hydrothermal activity - remain pristine for future exploration.

(Cassini Spacecraft Makes Its Final Approach to Saturn, NASA)

Cassini finished its tour of the Saturn system with its Grand Finale, capped by Friday's intentional plunge into the planet to ensure Saturn's moons – particularly Enceladus, with its subsurface ocean and signs of hydrothermal activity – remain pristine for future exploration.

(Cassini Spacecraft Ends Its Historic Exploration of Saturn, NASA)


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