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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (adjective) 

Sense 1


(of undissolved particles in a fluid) supported or kept from sinking or falling by buoyancy and without apparent attachmentplay


droplets in suspension in a gas

Classified under:



supported (held up or having the weight borne especially from below)

 II. (verb) 

Sense 1

Past simple / past participle of the verb suspend


 Context examples: 

An instrument that is able to count and sort microscopic particles suspended in a buffer.

(Flow Cytometer, NCI Thesaurus)

Issue associated with fine solids or liquid particles such as dust, smoke, fume, and/or mist suspended in the immediate atmosphere in which the device is being used.

(Environmental Particulates, Food and Drug Administration)

Whatever he might have heard against me—ought he not to have suspended his belief? ought he not to have told me of it, to have given me the power of clearing myself?

(Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen)

A technique for counting, examining and sorting microscopic particles suspended in a stream of fluid.

(Flow cytometry, NCI Thesaurus)

She approached and saw the likeness of Mr. Wickham, suspended, amongst several other miniatures, over the mantelpiece.

(Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen)

The substance in an emulsion that is suspended or dispersed within another substance of greater volume.

(Dispersed Phase, NCI Thesaurus)

The aqueous part of the cytoplasm within which various particles and organelles are suspended.

(Cytosol, NCI Thesaurus)

Car emissions, chemicals from factories, dust, pollen and mold spores may be suspended as particles.

(Air Pollution, Environmental Protection Agency)

Scientists have been looking for potential explanations other than clouds, and aerosols - solid particles suspended in the atmosphere - could be one.

(Cooking up Alien Atmospheres on Earth, NASA)

A tissue with red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and other substances suspended in fluid called plasma.

(Blood, NCI Dictionary)


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