/ English Dictionary |
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I. (noun)
Sense 1
English actor and theatrical producer noted for his lavish productions of Shakespeare (1853-1917)
Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree; Tree
Classified under:
Instance hypernyms:
actor; histrion; player; role player; thespian (a theatrical performer)
theatrical producer (someone who produces theatrical performances)
Sense 2
A tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms
Classified under:
Hypernyms ("tree" is a kind of...):
ligneous plant; woody plant (a plant having hard lignified tissues or woody parts especially stems)
Meronyms (parts of "tree"):
stump; tree stump (the base part of a tree that remains standing after the tree has been felled)
crown; treetop (the upper branches and leaves of a tree or other plant)
limb; tree branch (any of the main branches arising from the trunk or a bough of a tree)
bole; tree trunk; trunk (the main stem of a tree; usually covered with bark; the bole is usually the part that is commercially useful for lumber)
burl (a large rounded outgrowth on the trunk or branch of a tree)
Meronyms (substance of "tree"):
sapwood (newly formed outer wood lying between the cambium and the heartwood of a tree or woody plant; usually light colored; active in water conduction)
duramen; heartwood (the older inactive central wood of a tree or woody plant; usually darker and denser than the surrounding sapwood)
Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "tree"):
yellowwood; yellowwood tree (any of various trees having yellowish wood or yielding a yellow extract)
lancewood; lancewood tree; Oxandra lanceolata (source of most of the lancewood of commerce)
Guinea pepper; negro pepper; Xylopia aethiopica (tropical west African evergreen tree bearing pungent aromatic seeds used as a condiment and in folk medicine)
anise tree (any of several evergreen shrubs and small trees of the genus Illicium)
Drimys winteri; winter's bark; winter's bark tree (South American evergreen tree yielding winter's bark and a light soft wood similar to basswood)
zebrawood; zebrawood tree (any of various trees or shrubs having mottled or striped wood)
Brya ebenus; granadilla tree; granadillo (West Indian tree yielding a fine grade of green ebony)
acacia (any of various spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia)
Adenanthera pavonina; Barbados pride; coral-wood; coralwood; peacock flower fence; red sandalwood (East Indian tree with racemes of yellow-white flowers; cultivated as an ornamental)
albizia; albizzia (any of numerous trees of the genus Albizia)
conacaste; elephant's ear; Enterolobium cyclocarpa (tropical South American tree having a wide-spreading crown of bipinnate leaves and coiled ear-shaped fruits; grown for shade and ornament as well as valuable timber)
inga (any tree or shrub of the genus Inga having pinnate leaves and showy usually white flowers; cultivated as ornamentals)
ice-cream bean; Inga edulis (ornamental evergreen tree with masses of white flowers; tropical and subtropical America)
guama; Inga laurina (tropical tree of Central America and West Indies and Puerto Rico having spikes of white flowers; used as shade for coffee plantations)
lead tree; Leucaena glauca; Leucaena leucocephala; white popinac (low scrubby tree of tropical and subtropical North America having white flowers tinged with yellow resembling mimosa and long flattened pods)
Lysiloma bahamensis; Lysiloma latisiliqua; wild tamarind (a tree of the West Indies and Florida and Mexico; resembles tamarind and has long flat pods)
nitta tree (any of several Old World tropical trees of the genus Parkia having heads of red or yellow flowers followed by pods usually containing edible seeds and pulp)
camachile; huamachil; manila tamarind; Pithecellobium dulce; wild tamarind (common thorny tropical American tree having terminal racemes of yellow flowers followed by sickle-shaped or circinate edible pods and yielding good timber and a yellow dye and mucilaginous gum)
Alstonia scholaris; devil tree; dita; dita bark (evergreen tree of eastern Asia and Philippines having large leathery leaves and small green-white flowers in compact cymes; bark formerly used medicinally)
conessi; Holarrhena antidysenterica; Holarrhena pubescens; ivory tree; kurchee; kurchi (tropical Asian tree with hard white wood and bark formerly used as a remedy for dysentery and diarrhea)
Meryta sinclairii; puka (small roundheaded New Zealand tree having large resinous leaves and panicles of green-white flowers)
cockspur; Pisonia aculeata (small spiny West Indian tree)
pandanus; screw pine (any of various Old World tropical palmlike trees having huge prop roots and edible conelike fruits and leaves like pineapple leaves)
Hoheria populnea; houhere; lacebark; ribbonwood (small tree or shrub of New Zealand having a profusion of axillary clusters of honey-scented paper-white flowers and whose bark is used for cordage)
Plagianthus betulinus; Plagianthus regius; ribbon tree; ribbonwood (deciduous New Zealand tree whose inner bark yields a strong fiber that resembles flax and is called New Zealand cotton)
tulipwood tree (any of various trees yielding variously colored woods similar to true tulipwood)
Bombax ceiba; Bombax malabarica; red silk-cotton tree; simal (East Indian silk cotton tree yielding fibers inferior to kapok)
Montezuma (evergreen tree with large leathery leaves and large pink to orange flowers; considered a link plant between families Bombacaceae and Sterculiaceae)
Pseudobombax ellipticum; shaving-brush tree (tree of Mexico to Guatemala having densely hairy flowers with long narrow petals clustered at ends of branches before leaves appear)
blue fig; Brisbane quandong; Elaeocarpus grandis; quandong; quandong tree; silver quandong tree (Australian tree having hard white timber and glossy green leaves with white flowers followed by one-seeded glossy blue fruit)
calabur tree; calabura; Jamaican cherry; Muntingia calabura; silk wood; silkwood (a fast-growing tropical American evergreen having white flowers and white fleshy edible fruit; bark yields a silky fiber used in cordage and wood is valuable for staves)
break-axe; breakax; breakaxe; Sloanea jamaicensis (West Indian timber tree having very hard wood)
bottle-tree; bottle tree (an Australian tree of the genus Brachychiton)
Chinese parasol; Chinese parasol tree; Firmiana simplex; Japanese varnish tree; phoenix tree (deciduous tree widely grown in southern United States as an ornamental for its handsome maplelike foliage and long racemes of yellow-green flowers followed by curious leaflike pods)
maple-leaved bayur; mayeng; Pterospermum acerifolium (Indian tree having fragrant nocturnal white flowers and yielding a reddish wood used for planking; often grown as an ornamental or shade tree)
silver tree; Tarrietia argyrodendron (Australian timber tree)
arere; obeche; obechi; samba; Triplochiton scleroxcylon (large west African tree having large palmately lobed leaves and axillary cymose panicles of small white flowers and one-winged seeds; yields soft white to pale yellow wood)
basswood; lime; lime tree; linden; linden tree (any of various deciduous trees of the genus Tilia with heart-shaped leaves and drooping cymose clusters of yellowish often fragrant flowers; several yield valuable timber)
Leucadendron argenteum; silver tree (small South African tree with long silvery silky foliage)
Orites excelsa; prickly ash (Australian tree having alternate simple leaves (when young they are pinnate with prickly toothed margins) and slender axillary spikes of white flowers)
firewheel tree; Stenocarpus sinuatus; wheel tree (eastern Australian tree widely cultivated as a shade tree and for its glossy leaves and circular clusters of showy red to orange-scarlet flowers)
beefwood; scrub beefwood; Stenocarpus salignus (tree or tall shrub with shiny leaves and umbels of fragrant creamy-white flowers; yields hard heavy reddish wood)
casuarina (any of various trees and shrubs of the genus Casuarina having jointed stems and whorls of scalelike leaves; some yield heavy hardwood)
beech; beech tree (any of several large deciduous trees with rounded spreading crowns and smooth grey bark and small sweet edible triangular nuts enclosed in burs; north temperate regions)
chestnut; chestnut tree (any of several attractive deciduous trees yellow-brown in autumn; yield a hard wood and edible nuts in a prickly bur)
oak chestnut (a tree of the genus Castanopsis)
Castanea chrysophylla; Castanopsis chrysophylla; Chrysolepis chrysophylla; giant chinkapin; golden chinkapin (small ornamental evergreen tree of Pacific Coast whose glossy yellow-green leaves are yellow beneath; bears edible nuts)
Lithocarpus densiflorus; tanbark oak (evergreen tree of the Pacific coast area having large leathery leaves; yields tanbark)
evergreen beech; southern beech (any of various beeches of the southern hemisphere having small usually evergreen leaves)
oak; oak tree (a deciduous tree of the genus Quercus; has acorns and lobed leaves)
birch; birch tree (any betulaceous tree or shrub of the genus Betula having a thin peeling bark)
alder; alder tree (north temperate shrubs or trees having toothed leaves and conelike fruit; bark is used in tanning and dyeing and the wood is rot-resistant)
hornbeam (any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Carpinus)
hop hornbeam (any of several trees resembling hornbeams with fruiting clusters resembling hops)
fringe tree (any of various small decorative flowering trees or shrubs of the genus Chionanthus)
ash; ash tree (any of various deciduous pinnate-leaved ornamental or timber trees of the genus Fraxinus)
American olive; devilwood; Osmanthus americanus (small tree of southern United States having panicles of dull white flowers followed by dark purple fruits)
dhava; dhawa (an Indian tree of the family Combretaceae that is a source of timber and gum)
button mangrove; button tree; Conocarpus erectus (evergreen tree or shrub with fruit resembling buttons and yielding heavy hard compact wood)
Laguncularia racemosa; white mangrove (shrub to moderately large tree that grows in brackish water along the seacoasts of western Africa and tropical America; locally important as a source of tannin)
bay-rum tree; bayberry; Jamaica bayberry; Pimenta acris; wild cinnamon (West Indian tree; source of bay rum)
gum; gum tree (any of various trees of the genera Eucalyptus or Liquidambar or Nyssa that are sources of gum)
poon (any of several East Indian trees of the genus Calophyllum having shiny leathery leaves and lightweight hard wood)
calaba; Calophyllum calaba; Santa Maria tree (West Indian tree having racemes of fragrant white flowers and yielding a durable timber and resinous juice)
Calophyllum longifolium; Maria (valuable timber tree of Panama)
Calophyllum candidissimum; lancewood tree; laurelwood (tropical American tree; valued for its hard durable wood)
clusia (an aromatic tree of the genus Clusia having large white or yellow or pink flowers)
Clusia flava; wild fig (a West Indies clusia having fig-shaped fruit)
ironwood; ironwood tree; Mesua ferrea; rose chestnut (handsome East Indian evergreen tree often planted as an ornamental for its fragrant white flowers that yield a perfume; source of very heavy hardwood used for railroad ties)
Caryocar nuciferum; souari; souari nut; souari tree (large South American evergreen tree trifoliate leaves and drupes with nutlike seeds used as food and a source of cooking oil)
dipterocarp (tree of the family Dipterocarpaceae)
Ceylon gooseberry; Dovyalis hebecarpa; ketembilla; ketembilla tree; kitambilla; kitembilla (a small shrubby spiny tree cultivated for its maroon-purple fruit with sweet purple pulp tasting like gooseberries; Sri Lanka and India)
chaulmoogra; chaulmoogra tree; chaulmugra; Hydnocarpus kurzii; Taraktagenos kurzii; Taraktogenos kurzii (East Indian tree with oily seeds yield chaulmoogra oil used to treat leprosy)
Hydnocarpus laurifolia; Hydnocarpus wightiana (leathery-leaved tree of western India bearing round fruits with brown densely hairy rind enclosing oily pulp that yields hydnocarpus oil)
idesia; Idesia polycarpa (deciduous roundheaded Asiatic tree widely grown in mild climates as an ornamental for its heart-shaped leaves and fragrant yellow-green flowers followed by hanging clusters of fleshy orange-red berries)
Australian nettle; Australian nettle tree (any of several tall Australian trees of the genus Laportea)
fig tree (any moraceous tree of the tropical genus Ficus; produces a closed pear-shaped receptacle that becomes fleshy and edible when mature)
elm; elm tree (any of various trees of the genus Ulmus: important timber or shade trees)
hackberry; nettle tree (any of various trees of the genus Celtis having inconspicuous flowers and small berrylike fruits)
cabbage tree; Cordyline australis; grass tree (elegant tree having either a single trunk or a branching trunk each with terminal clusters of long narrow leaves and large panicles of fragrant white, yellow or red flowers; New Zealand)
bonduc; bonduc tree; Caesalpinia bonduc; Caesalpinia bonducella (tropical tree with large prickly pods of seeds that resemble beans and are used for jewelry and rosaries)
Caesalpinia coriaria; divi-divi (small thornless tree or shrub of tropical America whose seed pods are a source of tannin)
brazilwood; Caesalpinia echinata; peach-wood; peachwood; pernambuco wood (tropical tree with prickly trunk; its heavy red wood yields a red dye and is used for cabinetry)
brazilian ironwood; Caesalpinia ferrea (thornless tree yielding heavy wood)
Acrocarpus fraxinifolius; shingle tree (East Indian timber tree with hard durable wood used especially for tea boxes)
Brachystegia speciformis; msasa (small shrubby African tree having compound leaves and racemes of small fragrant green flowers)
cassia (any of various trees or shrubs of the genus Cassia having pinnately compound leaves and usually yellow flowers followed by long seedpods)
locust; locust tree (any of various hardwood trees of the family Leguminosae)
bonduc; chicot; Gymnocladus dioica; Kentucky coffee tree (handsome tree of central and eastern North America having large bipinnate leaves and green-white flowers followed by large woody brown pods whose seeds are used as a coffee substitute)
Cercidium floridum; palo verde; Parkinsonia florida (densely branched spiny tree of southwestern United States having showy yellow flowers and blue-green bark; sometimes placed in genus Cercidium)
andelmin; angelim (any of several tropical American trees of the genus Andira)
African sandalwood; Baphia nitida; camwood (small shrubby African tree with hard wood used as a dyewood yielding a red dye)
Butea frondosa; Butea monosperma; dak; dhak; palas (East Indian tree bearing a profusion of intense vermilion velvet-textured blooms and yielding a yellow dye)
rosewood; rosewood tree (any of those hardwood trees of the genus Dalbergia that yield rosewood--valuable cabinet woods of a dark red or purplish color streaked and variegated with black)
Dalbergia sissoo; sisham; sissoo; sissu (East Indian tree whose leaves are used for fodder; yields a compact dark brown durable timber used in shipbuilding and making railroad ties)
Dalbergia cearensis; kingwood; kingwood tree (Brazilian tree yielding a handsome cabinet wood)
cocobolo; Dalbergia retusa (a valuable timber tree of tropical South America)
blackwood; blackwood tree (any of several hardwood trees yielding very dark-colored wood)
coral tree; erythrina (any of various shrubs or shrubby trees of the genus Erythrina having trifoliate leaves and racemes of scarlet to coral red flowers and black seeds; cultivated as an ornamental)
gliricidia (any of several small deciduous trees valued for their dark wood and dense racemes of nectar-rich pink flowers grown in great profusion on arching branches; roots and bark and leaves and seeds are poisonous)
millettia (any of several tropical trees or shrubs yielding showy streaked dark reddish or chocolate-colored wood)
Myroxylon balsamum; Myroxylon toluiferum; tolu balsam tree; tolu tree (medium-sized tropical American tree yielding tolu balsam and a fragrant hard wood used for high-grade furniture and cabinetwork)
Myroxylon balsamum pereirae; Myroxylon pereirae; Peruvian balsam (tree of South and Central America yielding an aromatic balsam)
necklace tree (a tree of the genus Ormosia having seeds used as beads)
fish fuddle; Jamaica dogwood; Piscidia erythrina; Piscidia piscipula (small tree of West Indies and Florida having large odd-pinnate leaves and panicles of red-striped purple to white flowers followed by decorative curly winged seedpods; yields fish poisons)
quira (any of several tropical American trees some yielding economically important timber)
Indian beech; Pongamia glabra (evergreen Asiatic tree having glossy pinnate leaves and racemose creamy-white scented flowers; used as a shade tree)
bloodwood tree; kiaat; Pterocarpus angolensis (deciduous South African tree having large odd-pinnate leaves and profuse fragrant orange-yellow flowers; yields a red juice and heavy strong durable wood)
amboyna; padauk; padouk; Pterocarpus indicus (tree native to southeastern Asia having reddish wood with a mottled or striped black grain)
Burma padauk; Burmese rosewood; Pterocarpus macrocarpus (tree of India and Burma yielding a wood resembling mahogany)
kino; Pterocarpus marsupium (East Indian tree yielding a resin or extract often used medicinally and in e.g. tanning)
Pterocarpus santalinus; red sandalwood; red sanders; red sanderswood; red saunders (tree of India and East Indies yielding a hard fragrant timber prized for cabinetwork and dark red heartwood used as a dyewood)
carib wood; Sabinea carinalis (small Dominican tree bearing masses of large crimson flowers before the fine pinnate foliage emerges)
scarlet wisteria tree; Sesbania grandiflora; vegetable hummingbird (a softwood tree with lax racemes of usually red or pink flowers; tropical Australia and Asia; naturalized in southern Florida and West Indies)
Chinese scholar tree; Chinese scholartree; Japanese pagoda tree; Sophora japonica; Sophora sinensis (handsome roundheaded deciduous tree having compound dark green leaves and profuse panicles of fragrant creamy-white flowers; China and Japan)
coral bean; frijolillo; frijolito; mescal bean; Sophora secundiflora (shrub or small tree having pinnate leaves poisonous to livestock and dense racemes of intensely fragrant blue flowers and red beans)
kowhai; Sophora tetraptera (shrub or small tree of New Zealand and Chile having pendulous racemes of tubular golden-yellow flowers; yields a hard strong wood)
pride of Bolivia; tipu; tipu tree; yellow jacaranda (semi-evergreen South American tree with odd-pinnate leaves and golden yellow flowers cultivated as an ornamental)
keurboom; Virgilia capensis; Virgilia oroboides (tree with odd-pinnate leaves and racemes of fragrant pink to purple flowers)
keurboom; Virgilia divaricata (fast-growing roundheaded tree with fragrant white to deep rose flowers; planted as an ornamental)
palm; palm tree (any plant of the family Palmae having an unbranched trunk crowned by large pinnate or palmate leaves)
Calycophyllum candidissimum; dagame; lemonwood tree (source of a tough elastic wood)
coffee; coffee tree (any of several small trees and shrubs native to the tropical Old World yielding coffee beans)
chinchona; cinchona (any of several trees of the genus Cinchona)
Nauclea diderrichii; opepe; Sarcocephalus diderrichii (large African forest tree yielding a strong hard yellow to golden brown lumber; sometimes placed in genus Sarcocephalus)
lemon-wood; lemon-wood tree; lemonwood; lemonwood tree; Psychotria capensis (South African evergreen having hard tough wood)
medlar; Vangueria infausta; wild medlar; wild medlar tree (small deciduous tree of southern Africa having edible fruit)
Spanish tamarind; Vangueria madagascariensis (shrubby tree of Madagascar occasionally cultivated for its edible apple-shaped fruit)
incense tree (any of various tropical trees of the family Burseraceae yielding fragrant gums or resins that are burned as incense)
mahogany; mahogany tree (any of various tropical timber trees of the family Meliaceae especially the genus Swietinia valued for their hard yellowish- to reddish-brown wood that is readily worked and takes a high polish)
azedarach; azederach; China tree; chinaberry; chinaberry tree; Melia azedarach; Melia azederach; Persian lilac; pride-of-India (tree of northern India and China having purple blossoms and small inedible yellow fruits; naturalized in the southern United States as a shade tree)
arishth; Azadirachta indica; margosa; Melia Azadirachta; neem; neem tree; nim tree (large semi-evergreen tree of the East Indies; trunk exudes a tenacious gum; bitter bark used as a tonic; seeds yield an aromatic oil; sometimes placed in genus Melia)
Chloroxylon swietenia; satinwood; satinwood tree (East Indian tree with valuable hard lustrous yellowish wood)
silver ash (any of various timber trees of the genus Flindersia)
langsat; langset; lanseh tree; Lansium domesticum (East Indian tree bearing an edible yellow berry)
African walnut; Lovoa klaineana (tropical African timber tree with wood that resembles mahogany)
turreae (any of numerous trees and shrubs grown for their beautiful glossy foliage and sweetly fragrant starry flowers)
lepidobotrys (African tree often classified in other families; similar to the Costa Rican caracolito in wood structure as well as in fruit and flowers and leaves and seeds)
caracolito; Ruptiliocarpon caracolito (large Costa Rican tree having light-colored wood suitable for cabinetry; similar to the African lepidobotrys in wood structure as well as in fruit and flowers and leaves and seeds; often classified in other families)
cork tree; Phellodendron amurense (deciduous tree of China and Manchuria having a turpentine aroma and handsome compound leaves turning yellow in autumn and deeply fissured corky bark)
Poncirus trifoliata; trifoliata; trifoliate orange; wild orange (small fast-growing spiny deciduous Chinese orange tree bearing sweetly scented flowers and decorative but inedible fruit: used as a stock in grafting and for hedges)
prickly ash (any of a number of trees or shrubs of the genus Zanthoxylum having spiny branches)
bitterwood tree (any of various trees or shrubs of the family Simaroubaceae having wood and bark with a bitter taste)
Kirkia wilmsii; pepper tree (small African deciduous tree with spreading crown having leaves clustered toward ends of branches and clusters of creamy flowers resembling lilacs)
willow; willow tree (any of numerous deciduous trees and shrubs of the genus Salix)
sandalwood tree; Santalum album; true sandalwood (parasitic tree of Indonesia and Malaysia having fragrant close-grained yellowish heartwood with insect repelling properties and used, e.g., for making chests)
Eucarya acuminata; Fusanus acuminatus; quandang; quandong; quandong tree (Australian tree with edible flesh and edible nutlike seed)
aalii (a small Hawaiian tree with hard dark wood)
soapberry; soapberry tree (a tree of the genus Sapindus whose fruit is rich in saponin)
aroeira blanca; Schinus chichita (small resinous tree or shrub of Brazil)
molle; pepper tree; Peruvian mastic tree; Schinus molle (small Peruvian evergreen with broad rounded head and slender pendant branches with attractive clusters of greenish flowers followed by clusters of rose-pink fruits)
Brazilian pepper tree; Schinus terebinthifolius (small Brazilian evergreen resinous tree or shrub having dark green leaflets and white flowers followed by bright red fruit; used as a street tree and lawn specimen)
Diospyros ebenum; ebony; ebony tree (tropical tree of southern Asia having hard dark-colored heartwood used in cabinetwork)
Andaman marble; Diospyros kurzii; marble-wood; marblewood (large Asiatic tree having hard marbled zebrawood)
balata; balata tree; beefwood; bully tree; Manilkara bidentata (a tropical hardwood tree yielding balata gum and heavy red timber)
gutta-percha tree; Palaquium gutta; gutta-percha tree (one of several East Indian trees yielding gutta-percha)
Calocarpum zapota; mammee; marmalade tree; Pouteria zapota; sapote (tropical American tree having wood like mahogany and sweet edible egg-shaped fruit; in some classifications placed in the genus Calocarpum)
Ceratopetalum gummiferum; Christmas bush; Christmas tree (Australian tree or shrub with red flowers; often used in Christmas decoration)
plane tree; platan; sycamore (any of several trees of the genus Platanus having thin pale bark that scales off in small plates and lobed leaves and ball-shaped heads of fruits)
calabash; calabash tree; Crescentia cujete (tropical American evergreen that produces large round gourds)
Cordia gerascanthus; princewood; Spanish elm (tropical American timber tree)
Avicennia officinalis; white mangrove (a small to medium-sized tree growing in brackish water especially along the shores of the southwestern Pacific)
Aegiceras majus; black mangrove (an Australian tree resembling the black mangrove of the West Indies and Florida)
teak; Tectona grandis (tall East Indian timber tree now planted in western Africa and tropical America for its hard durable wood)
snag (a dead tree that is still standing, usually in an undisturbed forest)
timber tree (any tree that is valued as a source of lumber or timber)
treelet (a small tree)
arbor (tree (as opposed to shrub))
bean tree (any of several trees having seedpods as fruits)
pollard (a tree with limbs cut back to promote a more bushy growth of foliage)
sapling (young tree)
shade tree (a tree planted or valued chiefly for its shade from sunlight)
gymnospermous tree (any tree of the division Gymnospermophyta)
angiospermous tree; flowering tree (any tree having seeds and ovules contained in the ovary)
fever tree (any of several trees having leaves or bark used to allay fever or thought to indicate regions free of fever)
bonsai (a dwarfed ornamental tree or shrub grown in a tray or shallow pot)
nakedwood (any of several small to medium-sized trees of Florida and West Indies with thin scaly bark and heavy dark heartwood)
hazel; hazel tree; Pomaderris apetala (Australian tree grown especially for ornament and its fine-grained wood and bearing edible nuts)
tree of knowledge (the biblical tree in the Garden of Eden whose forbidden fruit was tasted by Adam and Eve)
Holonyms ("tree" is a member of...):
forest; wood; woods (the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area)
tree (chase an animal up a tree)
tree (plant with trees)
treelet (a small tree)
Sense 3
A figure that branches from a single root
genealogical tree
tree; tree diagram
Classified under:
Nouns denoting two and three dimensional shapes
Hypernyms ("tree" is a kind of...):
plane figure; two-dimensional figure (a two-dimensional shape)
Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "tree"):
cladogram (a tree diagram used to illustrate phylogenetic relationships)
stemma (a tree diagram showing a reconstruction of the transmission of manuscripts of a literary work)
II. (verb)
Verb forms
Present simple: I / you / we / they tree
... he / she / it trees
Past simple: treed
-ing form: treeing
Sense 1
Stretch (a shoe) on a shoetree
shoetree; tree
Classified under:
Verbs of size, temperature change, intensifying, etc.
Hypernyms (to "tree" is one way to...):
elongate; stretch (make long or longer by pulling and stretching)
Sentence frame:
Somebody ----s something
Sense 2
her dog likes to tree squirrels
Classified under:
Verbs of fighting, athletic activities
Hypernyms (to "tree" is one way to...):
chase; chase after; dog; give chase; go after; tag; tail; track; trail (go after with the intent to catch)
Sentence frames:
Somebody ----s something
Something ----s something
tree (a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms)
Sense 3
this lot should be treed so that the house will be shaded in summer
Classified under:
Verbs of touching, hitting, tying, digging
Hypernyms (to "tree" is one way to...):
plant; set (put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground)
Sentence frame:
Somebody ----s something
tree (a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms)
Sense 4
Force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape
corner; tree
Classified under:
Verbs of walking, flying, swimming
Hypernyms (to "tree" is one way to...):
channelise; channelize; direct; guide; head; maneuver; manoeuver; manoeuvre; point; steer (direct the course; determine the direction of travelling)
Sentence frames:
Somebody ----s something
Somebody ----s somebody
Context examples:
As the sun became warmer and the light of day longer, the snow vanished, and I beheld the bare trees and the black earth.
(Frankenstein, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)
But as Martin and Lizzie emerged from the trees they found the gang waiting for them.
(Martin Eden, by Jack London)
But now and then there came a deep growl from some wild animal hidden among the trees.
(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum)
For some minutes I could see him standing among the trees.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Our harness is good, for I have hung it in trees each night.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, by Jack London)
In trees, the region containing food-conducting tissue in the bark.
(Phloem, NOAA Paleoclimate Glossary)
Trees, gates, cottages went dancing by.
(Rodney Stone, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
She crept out cautiously on the edge of a large open space in the midst of the trees.
(White Fang, by Jack London)
A cystic dilatation that occurs in any part of the biliary tree.
(Biliary Cyst, NCI Thesaurus)
And you, ye well-known trees!—but you will continue the same.
(Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen)