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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (adjective) 

Sense 1


Involving or having two dimensionsplay


planar; two-dimensional

Classified under:



coplanar (lying in the same plane)

flat (having a relatively broad surface in relation to depth or thickness)

placoid; platelike (as the hard flattened scales of e.g. sharks)

flattened; planate (having been flattened)

tabular (flat; like a table in form)


two-dimensionality (the property of having two dimensions)

Sense 2


Lacking the expected range or depth; not designed to give an illusion or depthplay


a flat two-dimensional painting


2-dimensional; flat; two-dimensional

Classified under:



multidimensional (having or involving or marked by several dimensions or aspects)


 Context examples: 

There are significant implications for the mechanical properties of two-dimensional materials and devices.

(Graphene: The more you bend it, the softer it gets, National Science Foundation)

Now, the researchers demonstrated that a composite of titania and graphene – a two-dimensional form of carbon - has significantly more powerful photodegradation properties than bare titania.

(Smog-eating graphene composite reduces atmospheric pollution, University of Cambridge)

A graphical calculating device or a two-dimensional diagram designed to allow the approximate graphical computation of a function.

(Nomogram Chart, NCI Thesaurus)

Research by scientists at Brown and Columbia Universities has demonstrated the existence of previously unknown states of matter that arise in double-layer stacks of graphene, a two-dimensional nanomaterial.

(Research reveals exotic quantum states in double-layer graphene, National Science Foundation)

The work done by the Cambridge researchers opens a number of commercial opportunities for ink based on two-dimensional materials, ranging from personal health and well-being technology, to wearable energy and data storage, military garments, wearable computing and fashion.

(Washable, wearable battery-like devices could be woven directly into clothes, University of Cambridge)

The researchers have demonstrated how properties of graphene – a two-dimensional form of carbon - enable ultra-wide bandwidth communications and low power consumption to radically change the way data is transmitted across the optical communications systems.

(Graphene may exceed bandwidth demands of future telecommunications, University of Cambridge)

The Cambridge researchers, working in collaboration with colleagues at Jiangnan University in China, have shown how graphene – a two-dimensional form of carbon – and other related materials can be directly incorporated into fabrics to produce charge storage elements such as capacitors, paving the way to textile-based power supplies which are washable, flexible and comfortable to wear.

(Washable, wearable battery-like devices could be woven directly into clothes, University of Cambridge)


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