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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A passerine bird of the suborder Tyranniplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting animals

Hypernyms ("tyrannid" is a kind of...):

passeriform bird; passerine (perching birds mostly small and living near the ground with feet having 4 toes arranged to allow for gripping the perch; most are songbirds; hatchlings are helpless)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "tyrannid"):

flycatcher; New World flycatcher; tyrant bird; tyrant flycatcher (large American birds that characteristically catch insects on the wing)

manakin (any of numerous small bright-colored birds of Central America and South America having short bills and elaborate courtship behavior)

ovenbird (small brownish South American birds that build oven-shaped clay nests)

ant bird; antbird (any of various dull-colored South American birds that feeding on ants some following army ant swarms)

tree creeper; wood-creeper; woodcreeper; woodhewer (any of numerous South American and Central American birds with a curved bill and stiffened tail feathers that climb and feed like woodpeckers)

pitta (any bird of the genus Pitta; brilliantly colored chiefly terrestrial birds with short wings and tail and stout bills)

Holonyms ("tyrannid" is a member of...):

suborder Tyranni; Tyranni (New World flycatchers; antbirds; oven birds; woodhewers)



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